
Tips for saving money.....?

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I am a college student who spends way to much money on things that I don't really need but I can't help it. I spend way to much money I could go through $200.00 in the course of 2 days.

Now, my part time job is going under and until I start college I am only going to be given about 11-15 hours per week. Which, really isn't much.

I would attempt to look for another part time job or a full time job but, I go back to school in a month so I highly doubt anybody will hire me.

Does anybody have any tips for saving money??

Please help!!




  1. Decide to put lump sum amount ever week in u r bank account

  2. Buy low value food and dont waste money on drinks and going out. These smallish changes can save quite alot over a period of time.

  3. Open up a savings account and every time you get paid, put at least $25 into it.  If you don't touch it, it will start to accumulate fast... Good Luck!

  4. Pack your lunch, don't buy soft drinks or coffee. How do you get to work?  Can you use public transportation? Stay out of stores and the mall.

  5. Pay yourself first out of every paycheck. Next cut out the extras...Starbucks, can of soda, even bottles of water. Instead make your own coffee, invest in a 24 pk of soda, and get a refillable water get the idea.

    Write down everything you spend money on....weed out what was a neccessary purchase and which wasn't.

  6. Girl, you know the good way for you to save money. I find something interest. I suggest you to look up the website: I suggest you try this one. It is another way for you to invest the money where your Consultant will pay your college expenses. Unless you pay $50.00 monthly, you will not have problem overspending your money. Another thing about your job. Since you have a job, you can direct deposit your paycheck to your bank account and try not to touch it unless you need it.

    Therefore, it is another website that you should try Find your school on school lists and see if your school offer 529 plans. Think about saving money for college.

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