
Tips for the depressed birthday girl?

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ok, so first of all it is my birthday today. Aren't I suppose to be happy? For some strange reason, I'm not. I feel like c**p, and buried under homework. Any tips on how to get rid of my small depression? I tried listening to happy music, and it still didn't work for me.

Even I don't understand myself.

Please help.






  1. chocolate

    cheer up gabby

  2. Were you expecting something you didn't get? Did you get any acknowledgement of your special day? Did you have any goals for this age that you haven't met?

    These are things that ruined it for me one year. I then realized that it was me that made my day sad so it is me that can make it happy.

    I reassessed my goals among other things.

    People can't read your mind as far as what you might have expected to happen today. You have to tell them. Also, people may be waiting till the weekend to really celebrate. Happy Birthday!  

  3. well happy birthday, even if you have school or work, think of the gifts you will receive and the cake you will enjoy, looking forward to the future (as in a few hours) will get you through the rough parts of the day, you are older and thats one thing to feel good about, even if today doesn't feel like a celebration day, there's always tomorrow, which is a week-end, also take a few hours off from all the homework and treat yourself to a break.

  4. Stop complaining  

  5. I always have a c**p Birthday. I don't know why but it's always depressing.

    Just try to get through the day and appreciate the good things you have in life. Don't worry, you have many more Birthdays to come.

    Happy Birthday =)

  6. Hey, Gaby?  Happy birthday!  I still get a little bummed on my birthday each and every year (I'll be 33 in September) so I won't lie and tell you that it ever passes.  I've always been like that though.  I get a little somber during holidays too.  I've never been a lonely guy, either so there's not really any rhyme or reason for my little spats of depression.  It's just the way I'm wired I suppose.  The trick for me has pretty much always been to avoid the people and well-wishers for the whole day.  I do whatever I want for myself and for no one else on that day...the other 364 is for the rest of the fam.  I guess I didn't really give you any answers this time around but the truth're not alone.  Lots of people like us in the world.  Tomorrow will be better.  Or as my hyper-religious and extremely over-friendly friend says 'every day above ground, kid.'

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