
Tips on how to Mase?

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I can do it a little bit but I need work




  1. Jude R is right on. The only tip i can give you that he didnt say is to make sure you have a smaller tip than standard. The smaller the tip the more spin you will get.

  2. Make sure you're allowed to masse on the tables.  If you don't own it, ask first.

    Always chalk up.  Make sure the tip is holding the chalk too.  The amount of curve you're trying to get will determine the elevation.  Be sure to stroke down through the cue ball firmly.  Start by masse-ing down the length of the table, going around one ball.  Add balls as you get more comfortable and see what you have to do to get around more.  Hitting it harder will squirt the cue ball out more before the spin takes.  More elevation will give you more spin but the cue ball won't travel far before curving.  Learn the physics and pick up tips from watching people.

  3. Actually, the little masse is the most practical one.  The large masses you see on tv are only good for exhibition purposes.  The fundamental thing you must do to perform a masse is the way you hold the cue.  Unlike a normal stroke where your arm is OVER the cue held horizontally, with a masse, the cue is held vertically.

    The goal is to hammer the corner of the cueball such that a lot of spin is applied to one side.  THe direction of the curve is determined by where you strike the cueball in relation to its center.  You will get a sharper curve to the right if you hit the face at 3 o'clock than you would at 1 o'clock.

    PS - good luck finding a poolroom that will allow you to practice masses.  Usually room owners go nuts when they see patrons practice them.

  4. Strike very hard on the top of the ball with the cue elevated. I wouldnt advice practicing on a public table for you can easily damage and rip the cloth.

  5. first make sure you have a good tip on and that it's in good shape, well shaped, scuffed, and chalked.  then, when you aim raise the back of your cue up a little, not a lot just a little, maybe about a 15 to 30 degree angle depending on how much you need to curve it.  take a nice smooth stroke and follow through, don't hit it too lightly or it won't go anywhere, hit it too hard, and it won't have time to bend.  take some time and practice, that's the key, practice practice practice.

    good luck


  6. just to add, get a small piece of cloth when 1st trying, to lay on the table felt, if your worried about damaging the cloth, until you get a decent feel of shooting the shot. look up youtube videos of others doing it, there should be many, and some with high speed slo mo cameras, to give you a starting idea, good luck.  also gotta mention, my friends table, we break with on a small piece of cloth as well, and i've seen pool halls where they have a piece of cloth at each table 4 that as well. friend calls it a breaking condom lol, good luck on your journey
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