
Tips to do this???

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also, watch any other "vaganova ballet academy" videos if it helps you answer my questions!

1) How can I get longer legs/ give the appearance of longer legs?

2) What diet will work that will effectively, and QUICKLY help me lose my pudge and look like those girls? (I am a ballet dancer and have been for 4 years. I get plenty of exercise and i eat right as much as i can, but i still, for some reason, have pudge)

3) Who is that random picture of in the back? that guy?

4) How can I get more back flexibility? like, be able to put my head on my legs/ butt (in a sense)?

5)In plies, you are supposed to OPEN your legs outwards and bend. How can I get my legs to go outwards more so its almost straight? (watch girls in plies)

6) Is there a way to get your feet to point farther? My friend's toes can almost touch the ground when pointed, legs out, and sitting on the ground.





  1. ok longer legs... when you leg is pointed Derrière/ Devant or second you need to feel like you leg goes on forever. extend it and lengthen it from underneath, don't bunch the muscles, don't sink into your hips, stand tall and strong and reach for that place just out of reach. you will get that look.

    diet... hmm well i would have no idea. i don't bother with this, i eat what i like. i have no time to worry about it! it just lowers my confidence and makes me unhappy i just surround myself with things and people that i love and keep dancing!

    that guy would be the famous Rudolf Nureyev. he was a a famous Russian dancer who was famous for partnering Margot Fonteyn.

    stentch is the key. stretch your back muscles and also your stomach muscles too. not to good having a flexible back but not being able to support it and hold your leg in the air! i would work on maybe doing Grande Battements and Battements en cloch, both straight legged and in attitude. do arabesques and just normal stretching exercises.

    plies... thats something that you have to continuous work on. work on your turn out. do froggies on the floor, splits in second... anything you would use to improve your turn out. push your boundries in your first and move out of that zone of what is comfortable and use your gluts and thight muscles to hold it!

    point... just keep working on it. i used to stick them under a piano (gap between 2-3 cms) and as my foot got better you could slide it further under.

    phew! lots of questions! hope this helps! happy dancing! =)

  2. Good pointing the toe stretch: just point your toe with the toe part against the ground (softly so as not to hurt yourself).  My friend does this in gymnastics.  Also, some people (like me) naturally only get to a certain point in flexibility/pudginess.  I am like you: no matter how much I excercise, I have a liiittle belly.  Ask your doctor, but if they say you're healthy, then who cares whether you have pudge or not?

  3. try using a thera band, it will strenghten your legs. then, all you have to do is streatch, and do butterflys

  4. If u can't do a good "plie", there is no pointe in wanting to be like them. start out in a beginner class, not a company.

  5. Pilates pilates pilates.

  6. Sorrry cant help but i get 2 points for the answer.
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