
Tito Ortiz!?

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Does anyone else love Tito? I have his shirt and book and I dunno what it is but he's my favorite fighter.

Too bad he's not with UFC anymore :[




  1. um no I pretty much hate Tito, hes a d**k and he always wines when he loses,.Besides that he was a great fighter but then he just went downhill, Machida made him look pretty stupid in his last UFC fight, maybe if he wasnt so cocky people would still like him, but he just got annoying after a while.

  2. I can't stand Tito, he is a whiny big mouth and a poor sport.

    He's not with UFC anymore because Dana White got sick of his a$$. I'm glad Machida beat him.

    Sorry but I really don't like the guy and I really don't know too many that do.

    Oh, and he only dominated in the first 6 years of his career because he was avoiding Chuck Liddell the whole time.

  3. tito's a egotistical whiny little p**** that coasted on his relationship with dana for far too long. I absolutly have no respect for him as a martial artist. Fighter yes, martial artist no. he reminds me of the kid who always picked on weaker kids in school and thought that it made him cool.

    To the poster of the question- If you don't want to read all the possible answers, both agreeing and disagreeing with you, you shouldn't post the question, and you alos should post this in the polls section, because it has nothing to do with martial arts.

    Edit- Yes he is a MMA fighter, but this question has nothing to do with the martial arts itself. It is a fan question about a fighters popularity, which should rightfully go in the polls section.

  4. wasn't a big fan. i guess it was cool watching him get beat when he has such confidence and pride.

  5. sry Tito's a whiny prick

  6. actually tito is a crazy sob. I use to go to the same bar he is at every wednsday when i was out in cali, hes a good guy doesnt act like a celebrity but  i do miss him in UFC, back when it was hte original ufc, Tank ABbot wooo

  7. I like Tito when he got his @SS kicked by a 40 year old Randy Corture!


  8. Tito just isn't that dominant guy that he used to be. I don't know if it's age and injury catching up with him, or the fact that the talent of the fighters coming into the game has increased. I think that Tito is a great personality, and still has 2 or 3 productive years in him before he should officially step out of the game.

  9. I liked him on TUF but I don't like Tito the fighter. He had a great mentality and trained his kids hard and good. He gave them great clessons as developing fighters. However the way he embarasses his defeated opponents but crys when he loses doesn't rub me the right way. Plus his style is getting figured out. He wasted his time and prime on Ken Shamrock when he should have fought tougher opponents.

  10. I became familiar with Tito in kind of a backwards way.  I think the first fight I saw of his was one of the Shamrock fights and he was super cocky after he won and I didn't like that, as I like when the MMA fighters have more of the jiu jitsu taught type of respect for each other.

    BUT - I recently bought TUF Season 3 and I could not believe what a steak head dolt that Shamrock was.  And his method of coaching vs Tito's method wasn't even in the same league.  After watching that and doing some more reading about Tito, I gained quite a bit of respect for him.  I loved seeing him in Kendall Grove's corner and seeing that he still trains with some of the guys from his season.  I think that it is a true sign of the type of fighter that someone is if people choose to go and train with them afterwards.  You have to have complete trust and respect for the person and the fighter to want to train with them, and the fact is, Tito has that with his team (and members of the other team!).

    And you are in the right section about Tito.  You are asking a question about Tito who is in fact, no matter what these people want to say, an MMA fighter.  People go on and post questions about who would beat who, who is a better match up, etc.; they aren't poll questions, they are questions about MMA and are meant to elicit conversation about why you do or do not agree with the posters thoughts and comments.  

    That said, I agree with you and do really like Tito.  I thought he had a great showing in the Machida fight and showed a lot of talent and heart.  I was quite impressed with him.  I have been an avid UFC watcher, but now will probably look to watch other events that Tito is in to see him fight again.

  11. who?

  12. i think lightning lee murray knocked his *** out in an alley...
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