
To Muslims : Is Muta`a Haram ?

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I talked with some s**+`i about that and they told me that Muta`a is in the Quran :

"النساء (آية:24): والمحصنات من النساء الا ما ملكت ايمانكم كتاب الله عليكم واحل لكم ما وراء ذلكم ان تبتغوا باموالكم محصنين غير مسافحين فما استمتعتم به منهن فاتوهن اجورهن فريضه ولا جناح عليكم فيما تراضيتم به من بعد الفريضه ان الله كان عليما حكيما "

فما استمتعتم به منهن فاتوهن اجورهن فريضه

An-Nisaa , Verse : 24

From Sunna Book :

and i asked them is sunna Kafir to you ?

they replied :

Everyone who Believe there is no God But God and Muhammad his Messenger

is a muslim

so i think to shia

Ahmadi , Soufi and Sunna is a muslim

and i asked them who is Nasibe ?

the replied : who hate the Prophet Household

and they dont mean by the Household his wives

they mean Ali , Hussein , Fatima ...etc

And i asked them what do you think about the Sahaba ?

they told me alot but in the end they gave me this flash web site

i mean its like a video

So i dont know , they change my sunna believes ....




  1. There is no such thing as Sunni or Shia. Learn what you can and make your decision about history but being a Muslim is a total struggle of your ego vs. God. There's not much time for such disputes

  2. Yes it's Zina and Zina is Haram

  3. Yes it is Haram. Quran is not "Mickey Mag". When you read it you should be aware about the ahkam and dates of verses. The verse yo0u quoted was cancelled by the following verse:

    "ومن لم يستطع منكم طولا ان ينكح المحصنات المؤمنات فمن ما ملكت ايمانكم من فتياتكم المؤمنات والله اعلم بايمانكم بعضكم من بعض فانكحوهن باذن اهلهن واتوهن اجورهن بالمعروف محصنات غير مسافحات ولا متخذات اخدان فاذا احصن فان اتين بفاحشة فعليهن نصف ما على المحصنات من العذاب ذلك لمن خشي العنت منكم وان تصبروا خير لكم والله غفور رحيم

    And whoso is not able to afford to marry free, believing women, let them marry from the believing maids whom your right hands possess. Allah knoweth best (concerning) your faith. Ye (proceed) one from another; so wed them by permission of their folk, and give unto them their portions in kindness, they being honest, not debauched nor of loose conduct. And if when they are honourably married they commit lewdness they shall incur the half of the punishment (prescribed) for free women (in that case). This is for him among you who feareth to commit sin. But to have patience would be better for you. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."  

    سورة 4 - آية 25

    فما استمتعتم به منهن فاتوهن اجورهن فريضه

    An-Nisaa , Verse : 24

    The Ajr in this verse is the dower, Mahr. So it is "if you did that before according to any legislation, it is now mandatory that you pay them their dowery and marry them".

    How old are you?

  4. easier to just snatch a girl off the street and say she is your slave taken on jihad.

  5. Yes it is.

    Allah knows your intentions. Prostitution is definitely haram and the intention of mut'ah is to have s*x and leave just like prostitution so that would be considered haram.

  6. Salam for you.Yes now mut'a marriage is not allowed or haram because it seems only to legalize of adultery or fornication.During the war in the era of Muhammad pbuh mut'a marriage was allowed but now is prohibited. strictly Marriage is a sacred good doing in the name of Allah, so it should be for the whole life and it can not be limited during a certain period  only just as in the mut'a marriage.

  7. لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ﴿109:6﴾

    (109:6) For you is your religion and for me is mine. " *5


  8. Yes it is Prostitution, you can say A legal prostitution[from our point of view] but only for Shia's.. although the discourage it, its allowed..

    Its totally haram for Sunni's ..

  9. I love how I have provided ahadith from the 2 most authentic Sunni books (with sources) yet most of you have resorted to your own personal opinion or sourceless "facts."

    I guess ignorance is bliss.


    Sahih Muslim

    Book 008, Number 3243:

    Abdullah (b. Mas'ud) reported: We were on an expedition with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and we had no women with us. We said: Should we not have ourselves castrated? He (the Holy Prophet) forbade us to do so He then granted us permission that we should contract temporary marriage for a stipulated period giving her a garment, and 'Abdullah then recited this verse: 'Those who believe do not make unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, and do not transgress. Allah does not like trangressers" (al-Qur'an, v. 87).

    Notice what the Prophet (saw) said:

    "'Those who believe do not make unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, and do not transgress. Allah does not like trangressers"

    There are countless more hadith in authentic "sahih" sunni books on Mut'a.  Maybe if you actually bothered to read your own books we would not need to teach you your own religion:


    Sahih Muslim

    Book 008, Number 3246:

    Jabir b. 'Abdullah and Salama b. al-Akwa' said: There came to us the proclaimer of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) has granted you permission to benefit yourselves, i. e. to contract temporary marriage with women.

    Sahih Muslim

    Book 008, Number 3247:

    Salama b. al. Akwa' and Jabir b. Abdullah reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) came to us and permitted us to contract temporary marriage.

    Sahih Muslim

    Book 008, Number 3248:

    Ibn Uraij reported: 'Ati' reported that jibir b. Abdullah came to perform 'Umra, and we came to his abode, and the people asked him about different things, and then they made a mention of temporary marriage, whereupon he said: Yes, we had been benefiting ourselves by this temporary marriage during the lifetime of theHoly Prophet (may peace be upon him) and during the tinie of Abi! Bakr and 'Umar.

    Sahih Muslim

    Book 008, Number 3249:

    Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported: We contracted temporary marriage giving a handful of (tales or flour as a dower during the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and durnig the time of Abu Bakr until 'Umar forbade it in the case of 'Amr b. Huraith.

    Sahih Muslim

    Book 008, Number 3250:

    Abu Nadra reported: While I was in the company of Jabir b. Abdullah, a person came to him and said that Ibn 'Abbas and Ibn Zubair differed on the two types of Mut'as (Tamattu' of Hajj 1846 and Tamattu' with women), whereupon Jabir said: We used to do these two during the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). Umar then forbade us to do them, and so we did not revert to them.

    Sahih Muslim

    Book 007, Number 2874:

    Abd Nadra reported: While I was in the company of Jibir, a person came and said: There is difference of opinion amomg Ibn Abbas and Ibn Zubair about two Mut'as (benefits, Tamattul in Hajj and temporary marriage with women), whereupon jibir said: We have been doing this during the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (way peace be upon him), and then 'Umar forbade us to do so, and we never resorted to them.

    Sahih Bukhari

    Volume 7, Book 62, Number 51:

    Narrated Abu Jamra:

    I heard Ibn Abbas (giving a verdict) when he was asked about the Mut'a with the women, and he permitted it (Nikah-al-Mut'a). On that a freed slave of his said to him, "That is only when it is very badly needed and women are scarce." On that, Ibn 'Abbas said, "Yes."

    Sahih Bukhari

    Volume 7, Book 62, Number 52:

    Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah and Salama bin Al-Akwa':

    While we were in an army, Allah's Apostle came to us and said, "You have been allowed to do the Mut'a (marriage), so do it." Salama bin Al-Akwa' said: Allah's Apostle's said, "If a man and a woman agree (to marry temporarily), their marriage should last for three nights, and if they like to continue, they can do so; and if they want to separate, they can do so." I do not know whether that was only for us or for all the people in general.

    Sunan Abu Dawood

    Book 11, Number 2105:

    Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:

    The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If anyone gives as a dower to his wife two handfuls of flour or dates he has made her lawful for him.

    AbuDawud said: This tradition has been narrated by AbdurRahman ibn Mahdi, from Salih ibn Ruman, from AbuzZubayr on the authority of Jabir as his own statement (not going back to the Prophet). It has also been transmitted by AbuAsim from Salih ibn Ruman , from AbuzZubayr on the authority of Jabir who said: During the lifetime of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) we used to contract temporary marriage for a handful of grain.

    And theres about 20 more hadith if you want check them out for yourself.

  10. yes muta is haram its zina  but in shia shia community is permit  the new meaning is muta is shia family s*x they all do in dark room and is very religious for them shia is very good in family s*x u can find cd a  how to do muta  the horse they have in ashura is also do muta  in 9 and 10 of muharram  

  11. Mut'a was allowed in the beginning of Islam but then the prophet (pbuh) announced that it was prohibited until the day of judgment (i.e. forbidden for good).

    The full Hadith you will find in Sahih Bukhari, Volume 007, Book 062, Hadith Number 052 and also Volume 007, Book 062, Hadith Number 050.

    Nowadays, Mut'a is just an excuse for perverted (Shia) men to have lots of s*x, with various different partners. Sleeping around in the name of Mut'a. Perverts!

    EDIT: Asker, which Hadith are you quoting: I have the full Hadith here..

    Narated By Jabir bin 'Abdullah and Salama bin Al-Akwa' : While we were in an army, Allah's Apostle came to us and said, "You have been allowed to do the Mut'a (marriage), so do it." Salama bin Al-Akwa' said: Allah's Apostle's said, "If a man and a woman agree (to marry temporarily), their marriage should last for three nights, and if they like to continue, they can do so; and if they want to separate, they can do so." I do not know whether that was only for us or for all the people in general. Abu Abdullah (Al-Bukhari) said: 'Ali made it clear that the Prophet said, "The Mut'a marriage has been cancelled (made unlawful)."

    Sahih Bukhari, Volume 007, Book 062, Hadith Number 050..

  12. Muta is very haram! Its like prostitution..

    True shias deny it and say its halal the above brother {Pro Active}

    Only Allah knows how many women/men he has/will sleep/slept with in the name of mutaa.

  13. Okay I guess that video is like fuel for the fire, maybe some other users can explain more about it since my knowledge is limited in that area, but there are some Shia's who do curse the Sahabas indeed that is wrong.

  14. the best way is read quran and the i rite??

  15. YUP...

  16. all of that is CORRECT

    according to the verse you provided above, Muta'a is halal......

    now, you will recieve several misleading answers to this question...but please dont be misguided.....everything that 'some' of the sunni users will bring upon you in this section about Shia Islam are all LIES.....they will quote different books and will claim that those books are authentic shia books....but in reality, those books got nothing to do with Shia Islam....whatever that your shia friend told you is correct...

    i would suggest that you go to a reliable Shia imam and talk to him further on this issue

    May Allah guide you to the right path!

  17. Muta is not haram, it's is the opposite of prostitution. And if you keep looking, you will find that many stuff Sunni say are wrong .

    And how did abu bakr and Omar forbid muta, they were the biggest wrong doers in WHOLE history.

  18. dam, i tried to go on that abubakr site, and it crashed my internet explorer... :P thats a bad sign already hahaha, no offense, but now, you have just started another shia bashing question, even though u might not intended to, as for ur question, its has been posted and answerd numerous times, that i have lost count

  19. Muta is halal if you are SHIA

    It is haram if you are SUNNI


  20. Shia Claims

    Most Shia of today have a hard time self-justifying the concept of Mutah. In fact, it is a point which causes many of them to doubt their faith, and rightfully so. It is sad that the Shia elders use false rhetoric to demand that their followers reject logic and morality, to instead blindly accept the idea that prostitution is part of Islam. These Shia leaders will make emphatic arguments such as this:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœThe Prophet (SAW) did Mutah, and he not only allowed it, but actively encouraged it! We must obey the Prophet (SAW) in all matters, and we cannot disagree with him based on our own opinions. If the Prophet (SAW) did it, then surely we should do it. Whoever says that Mutah is disgusting is saying that the Prophet (SAW) is disgusting.”

    And some Shia will even go a step further and falsely claim:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœMutah is even allowed in Sunni Hadith. The only reason Sunnis do not do Mutah is because the second Caliph, Umar, banned Mutah against the orders of the Prophet (SAW).” Then, the Shia will procure Sunni Hadith which say that the Prophet (SAW) allowed Mutah.”

        * Mutah Forbidden in Stages

    The reality is that Mutah was permissible in the early days of Islam, but was eventually banned categorically by the Prophet (SAW). This is very similar to wine, which was at first permissible in Islam, and it was only later in time that the Prophet (SAW forbade it. The prohibitions against wine were expounded slowly over a period of time. In the beginning, drinking wine was permissible and many of the Sahabah did it. Then, the Quran declared that wine was harmful and bad. After some more time, the Quran forbade approaching prayer whilst drunk. After the people had become accustomed to this, it was only then that they were ready so that Allah and His Messenger (SAW) completely forbade wine.

    Why did the Prophet SAW) first allow wine and then later forbid it? This was only because Islam was revealed in stages, and the faith was going through a transitional period, with the Shariah being expounded during the life-span of the Prophet. If the Prophet (SAW) had not banned wine in stages, and instead had he (SAW ) simply banned wine immediately, it would have been very hard for the early Muslims who were accustomed to wine-drinking, which was a hobby of the pagan Arabs. Many of them were early converts and their faith was weak. They had an addiction to wine, and many of them would become apostates if wine was suddenly banned outright. So, the Prophet (SAW) banned wine in gradual stages so that it was easier on the people.

    Likewise, Mutah was a hobby of the pagan Arabs. Hence, it was not forbidden in the beginning. This is because Islam was in a transitional stage. The Prophet (SAW) initially allowed Mutah on a few occassions because there were many new converts to Islam who had weak faith. They were often in times of war away from their wives, in which their desires got the best of them since they were not accustomed to the chastity of Islam. In order to prevent the apostacy of these new converts over the issue of Mutah, the Prophet (SAW) did not forbid Mutah immediately. (And these are the Hadith which the Shia quote to “prove” that Sunnis believe in the permissibility of Mutah.)

    Once the Muslims became stronger in faith, the Prophet (SAW) categorically banned the practise of Mutah.

        * Hadith Forbidding Mutah

    The Hadith forbidding Mutah are considered Mutawattir, meaning that they have been transmitted so many times and by so many people that there is no doubt as to their authenticity. We are but a few of the many Hadith in which the Prophet (SAW) banned Mutah:

    The Prophet (SAW) said:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœO people, I had permitted you Mutah before, [but now] whoever of you has any part in it currently must part with her, and do not take back anything which you may have given them, as Allah Exalted and Majestic has forbidden it until the day of resurrection.” [Muslim, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, Nasa`i, and Darimi]

    Ali (RA) said:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœThe Messenger of Allah had forbidden Mutah on the day of Khaybar and had forbidden the eating of the meat of domestic camels.” [Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizy, Ibn Majah, Nasa`i, Tahawy, Shafi’i, Bayhaqy, and Hazimy]

    Ali (RA) said to a man who was engaging in Mutah:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœYou are a straying person, the Messenger of Allah has forbidden temporary marriage and the meat of domestic camels on the day of Khaybar.” [Muslim and Bayhaqy]

    A man called Rabee’ Bin Sabra said to Umar bin Abdul Aziz:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœI testify that according to my father that it happened that the Messenger of Allah had forbidden it [Mutah] on the farewell pilgrimage.” [Abu Dawood and Imam Ahmad]

    According to Abu Huraira:

        The Messenger of Allah had forbidden or abolished temporary marriage, its marriage and its divorce, its waiting period, and its inheritance. [DarQutny, Ishaq Bin Rahwiya, and Ibn Habban]

    When Ali (RA) was given the Caliphate, he thanked Allah Most High and praised Him and said:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœO people, the Messenger of Allah had permitted Mutah three times then forbade it. I swear by Allah, ready to fulfil my oath, that if I find any person who engages in temporary marriage without having ratified this with a proper marriage, I will have him lashed 100 stripes unless he can bring two witnesses to prove that the Messenger had permitted it after forbidding it.” [Ibn Majah]

    Imam Muslim has narrated that according to Mohammad Bin Abdullah Bin Numayr who said:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœMy father had narrated to us according to Ubaidullah according to Ibn shahab according to Alhassan and Abdullah the sons of Mohammad bin Ali according to their father according to Ali that he heard Ibn Abbas being lenient towards temporary marriage, so he said, ‘wait Ibn Abbas, the Messenger of Allah had forbidden it on the day of Khaybar when he also prohibited the meat of domestic camels.’” [Sahih Muslim]

    Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœIn the year of Autas, Allah’s Messenger permitted a temporary marriage for three nights, but he prohibited it afterwards.” [Sahih Muslim]

    Narrated Ali (RA):

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœAllah’s Messenger forbade the temporary marriage in the year of Khaybar.” [Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari]

    Narrated Ali (RA):

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœAt the battle of Khaybar, the Prophet forbade the temporary marriage (i.e Mutah) of women, and the eating of the flesh of domestic asses.” [Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Ahmad, An-Nasa’i, At-Termidhi and Ibn Majah have all collected it]

    It was narrated from Ali (RA) that:

        The Messenger of Allah forbade Mutah marriage and the meat of domestic donkeys at the time of Khaybar. According to another report, he forbade Mutah marriage at the time of Khaybar and he forbade the meat of tame donkeys. [Narrated by Bukhari, 3979; Muslim, 1407.]

    It was narrated from al-Rabee’ ibn Sabrah al-Juhanithat his father told him that he was with the Messenger of Allah who said:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœO people, I used to allow you to engage in Mutah marriages, but now Allah has forbidden that until the Day of Resurrection, so whoever has any wives in a Mutah marriage, he should let her go and do not take anything of the (money) you have given them.” [Narrated by Muslim, 1406.]

    Sabrah bin Ma’ bad al-Jihani reported:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœI went forth with the Prophet for the conquest of Mecca, and he allowed us Mutah with women. But we had not even left the city [yet] when it was prohibited by the Messenger of Allah.”

        * The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam

    The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam also states that Mutah was a common practice among Arab travelers and goes back to the fourth century:

        ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœWhen a stranger came to a village and had no place to stay, he would marry a woman for a short time so that she would be his partner in bed and take care of his property.”

    Caetani also concluded that Mutah in the pagan period was religious prostitution that took place during the occasion of pilgramage.

    Thus, Mutah was a loose sexual practice during the pre-Islamic days of ignorance in Arabia. Being an old and established institution, it continued during the early days of Islam. The Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) also allowed it temporarily on two other occasions, but only under strict, exceptional conditions during the conquest of Khaybar and during the conquest of Mecca - fearing that those Muslims whose faith was not yet strong might commit adultery during Jihad.

    The Shia widely quote Hadith in relation to these events to support their continued belief in Mutah. Sunnis accept these Hadith but add that they happened before all of the revelations of the Quran were revealed and the religion completed. Historians and commentators on the Quran and Hadith agree that Islam eradicated most social evils in a gradual way. It is well known that practices like gambling, drinking, and the eating of pork and blood were common during the early days but were gradually prohibited. Likewise, it seems probable that Mutah was first forbidden to those at Khaybar in the year 7 A.H. and was then completely prohibited to all upon the conquest of Mecca in 8 A.H.

  21. Yes, it's basically the same as prostitution.  

  22. Muta'a is NOT prostitution. It is simply an alternative type of marriage. I'm not going to claim that there aren't some people who have abused it and turned it into a form of prostitution, but that is not the way it should be practiced. Like anything in life, there are always a few people who have to ruin it for everyone.

    I'm not going to go into every single detail here, but it's generally meant for those who have been married before and are now widowed or divorced, or for those who are unable to marry by traditional means. Examples would be the very poor, infirm and refugees.

    It has been mentioned here many times that those who do Muta'a three or four times are blessed, and that is absolutely true, but many users here have taken that out of context, trying to make it seem as if it is considered a blessing to have done Muta'a with at least three or four different women. That is incorrect. The hadith is referring to repeating the period of Muta'a several times with the same partner -- continuing to "re-up" the contract period. The hope is that Muta'a will eventually lead to permanent marriage when circumstances allow.

  23. They say it is zina while the sahabah did it?!!! May Allah curse those people who insult the innocent sahabah! Have you seen the hypocracy of these people!

    Mutah is a halal and legal form of marriage that happened during and after the time off Prophet Muhammd (SAW) and it was Umar who changed the law - who is he to overrule Muhammed and change the shariah of Allah?!!

    Look at Sunnis today they make fun at the Sharia but yet thy invented Misyar marriage, a biddah, because they were afraid to call it mutah. They also twisted its rules so it's unjust!

    Brother please keep reading. I highly recommed a book called al-Muraja'at which you can buy or read online at which is a great website.

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