
To Police Officers?

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how do you guys work? would you pull me over if i was going 75 in a 70 mph zone? whats the most you would let somebody get away with, because in reality we know NOBODY follows the speed limits. HELP me out officers




  1. This question revolves around several details (i.e. time of day, amount of traffic, weather conditions, etc.)  Also, all officers have different standards.  My personal rule is this: If it's a sunny day with no inclement weather, I usually give a person 15 mph over the limit.  Anything over that, I will stop a vehicle.  Keep in mind that my rule does not apply to school zones, neighborhoods, etc.  If you are on a highway, then yes, it applies.  As I said this is my personal rule and does not reflect on any other officer.

  2. 13 over is usually my limit for a stop. I usually won't start writing until 15 over though. This varies considerably though, as someone as said, I am far less forgiving in neighborhoods, school zones, near parks, play streets, ect.

    If the road is wet or icy, I may stop someone at 5 over. Or even the speed limit if they are sliding around!

    If it's 2am on the interstate and no one else is around for miles, I may not even blink at someone traveling 15 over.

  3. Same thing with me.  It all depends on the rest of the circumstances.  And it doesnt apply in school or work zones.  I usually give 10 mph.  And sometimes I'll let you off if I stop you for 15, depending on your demeanor.  But over that I'm pretty cut and dry.  You'll get the ticket.  Again it does also revolve around other factors as well, like the first guy said, time of day, traffic, weather, area you're in, how many pedestrians are outside, and other things.  But if you're in a school zone or work zone or some other zone thats specially marked, and it says 20, then you better be doing 20.
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