
To a Celtic Hisorian...?

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I've read that there were once two Celtic Fasting days, Wednesday and Friday, but I've also read that these only came after the Christian Invasion so I would like to know whether these were truly Celtic or Christian and if they were Celtic what was the significance of them?




  1. Ember Days point to a specific Celtic origins, linked to the Celtic custom of observing various festivals at three-month intervals: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain. In any event, the ancient Christian church often sought to co-opt pagan feasts and reorient them to different purposes, and that seems to have been applicable in this instance.

    The Celtic Advent  is Nov. 15-Dec. 24 (Observance begins at Sunset on Nov. 14).  Dates are the same for Eastern Orthodox Advent (Nativity Fast).

  2. Here's an interesting article that talks about a period of 40 days of fasting and atonement that occur in November.  I do believe however that fasting was not necessarily a traditional part of pre-Christian Celtic ways, as they didn't feel the need to "atone" or "cleanse" themselves the way that Christians did.

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