
To all ghost buster people?

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If you totally believe that ghosts use the energy out of a battery to manifest themselves, then why don't you get a whole truck load of batteries and take it to the haunted spot and let the ghost suck out all that energy form the batteries and wouldnt he have enough energy then to manifest and you would get to see a full body apperition? and film it really clear?




  1. Don't try to use reason with the paranormal. The paranormal is a faith thing, not a science thing.

    But it's true that many paranormal investigators insist that ghosts drain batteries. I think it's just an excuse for why they are unable to capture any evidence on their equipment. They can always blame the batteries!  :)

    That might make a good idea for an Energizer battery commercial. Have the Energizer Bunny roll right through a haunted house  while the paranormal investigators' equipment using the "other brand" goes dead!

  2. Your funny.

  3. it is not that simple.  if it were that simple, i would have all ready done it.  but i havent, so that write their proves that its not that simple.  think about it, if you had a hole truck load of batteries, you wouldnt get some really big powerful ghost, you would get a hole bunch of little tiny week ones.  you can try it if you want but i can assure you it wont work.

  4. Big Mistake, you're making sense.In the paranormal world,that's like a crucifix to a vampire.They will avoid it at all costs.Otherwise they'll turn to dust.

  5. It's not that simple, energy from positive and negative interacts with them. Apparitions are energy themselves recorded from the earth replayed over and over again. Its a theory.

  6. they have rechargeable batteries and you are the power supply...

  7. Do you honestly know what a paranormal investigator is? If you comparing it to what you watch in motion pictures then you really should look into it more.

    Most of my equipment is electrical. Although the footage I have shot isn't always the best, i do not feel the need to share it with skeptics. I know how the skeptic mind works have dealt with them for many years and having video or photos or even sound recordings they will always say they have been altered. Just like this skeptic who offers a million dollars. He can say anything isn't real and deny anything and he does. Any paranormal investigator fall for this pubic bashing deserves it.

    The truth is investigators debunk more than they capture and only those who do this for attention and tell everyone they have ghost make the research look fake.

    Spirits do not work on cue and true investigators go into a place believing they can find evidence that there are no ghost. We do not try and convince anyone they call us we don't go door to door saying hi you might have ghost.

    Our main goal is to ease the mind of the people scared we show them how to deal with it and in the case we find something we can not explain we do not label it haunted we label it paranormal which is an umbrella term of the unexplained. just like a UFO is not a alien spacecraft it is just unidentified.

    Skeptics may not believe and hey they are entitled to their opinion. No one is asking them to believe.

    this little sub-category that says paranormal Phenomena, we come and talk about what we believe and there is no reason what-so-ever for a skeptic to insult and belittle those who choose to believe. We are entitled to our opinions as much as anyone else.

    People come on yahoo answers to ask questions and they deserve answers not for someone to say you need mental help or your just dreaming, or be called names that helps no one.

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