
To all global warming skeptics.?

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uhm, so what now? a new glacier just broke from the antarctic glacier. is still this normal? and not caused by man-made+natural causes resulting to global warming?




  1. I could throw in wild inaccurate figures like 60% ice increase like bob326 or I could link to the people who actually measure the ice, they show it as ~27% above mean and less than the early 2000's.

    Or I could be like Dr Jello and throw in pointless references to hurricanes, earthquakes & tornados and mention summer melt (which affects mainly sea ice, not glaciers)  The amount that has broken off this Glacier, measured in time is ~1500 years worth, given the flow rate of the glacier it would take that long for the glacier to replace it. As in the article below when large pieces break off Glaciers like these it causes the rest of the glacier to increase flow, adding to the problem.

    Edit, Bob 326 the link for the 27% ice figure is below.

  2. Thank You

    for real

    Global warming IS happening

    It IS real

    and we gotta do some thing about it

    its mostly or fault

    yeah yeah yeah

    natural disaters


    i'm sick of people dicarding the issue and sayin its not known enough,or not enough peple know about it

    cause i and accusers knwo thats total bull

    its happening and people gotta stop pretending its not

    and we got do some thing about it

    think of the next geration


  3. My dog just had diahrea, must be global warming....

    I saw my neighbor's cat scratch the door, must be global warming....

    It rained a week ago, must be global warming...

    Give me a break!  Has Greenland melted yet?  Good cause back in the medievel warm period, it was plush and green.  Geez

  4. Like you care!  I'm sure you're not going to stop believing if the answer is no.

    You are pointing to a process that has been occuring since well before humans were on the planet and ask is this evidence of global warming.  

    It's the closest thing to evidence the walmists have since a lot of their science has been thown out as inaccurate, we've had 10 years of global cooling and every single prediction made by the IPCC has failed to materialise.

  5. so now it gets cold, and we move into an ice age.

  6. So your going to tell me that using a minuscule amount of data to predict a global climate collapse is not ignorant nor downright irresponsible. Both sides of the argument use paltry data to overstate and exacerbate a situation that we truthfully can do nothing about. Since the beginning of time the earth will and can do whatever it wants when it wants, and man will not and cannot control it. To say otherwise is truly moronic. Why don't we worry about something a little less out of our reach, well because humans fantasize and emotionalize every thing doom and gloom.

    Lets work on the school system, social security, poverty, crime rates, and other things more in our league before this nonsense.

    Getting cleaner is a good thing, but exaggerating it to oblivion isn't.


  7. Yes this is normal.

    Glaciers flow toward the ocean, if glaciers didn't flow they would just be called  big blocks of ice.

    The snow falls on the interior of the continent, the weight compresses it into ice and squeezes it out to the side.

    As it is squeezed out to the side it flows toward the ocean and breaks off. Nothing alarming or mysterious about it.

    If they weren't flowing and calving off it would mean that there wasn't any new glacial ice forming.

  8. Uhm,  so the sea ice coverage in Antarctica is way above average right now, 1.335 million sq. km. above average for this time of year. Wilkins sea ice shelf is on the western side of the peninsula, the ONLY area where there isnt much sea ice forming, whereas the rest of Antarctica seems to be icing over quickly. There is no report on this however, is there??

    Did you know there was a record sea ice MAXIMUM at the south pole during the same year as there was a record minimum at the north pole?  Which one did the media report?

  9. If you read the same article I did, then it mentions that ice level on the peninsula haven't been this low in several hundred years, but also states that it is proof of global warming. That makes it a bit contradictory don't you think? If it has happened before and more recently than 1000 years ago, does that not make it a natural although unusual event. It sounds more like a localized phenomenon and proves global warming no more than a cold winter in the mid west disproves it.

  10. I think the whole "global warming" debate has distracted us from the real and quantifiable ecological disasters that surround us every day. The extinction of species that is occurring at a rate unmatched since the last earth wide disaster, the rapid desertification of vast areas of our planet, the rising pollution levels in our rivers, lakes and oceans, the deforestation of the rain forest (anyone remember the rain forest?) the recurrence of drug - resistant diseases, etc,etc.

    These issues are clearly the result of man's interference with nature and need to be addressed immediately.

    So let's skip the whole "global warming" debate and focus on the issues we can solve and should solve. NOW.

  11. I'll pay you 1 million dollars if you can link and prove this is the cause of man made global warming.

  12. * Global temperatures have been flat for 8-10 years, after being up substantially the decade previously.

        * Recent ocean measurement work as reported on NPR show ocean temps. over last 5-6 years to be flat to slightly down

        * 98% of Antarctica has cooled over the last decades and has built up ice pack -- 2% has warmed (in the Antarctic Peninsula). I will leave it to the reader to guess where Al Gore sent his cameras

        * In August 2007, or about a half year ago, sea ice extent around Antarctica was the largest ever recorded (since measured by satellites in 1979). So, within the last 6-8 months, Antarctica had record sea ice buildup.

    Given this backdrop, it is astounding that one could interpret the collapse of an ice sheet that happened faster than one scientist predicted as "accelerating global warming." I can't think of any mechanism where the behavior of an ice shelf would be a more sensitive measure of the pace of global temperature change than would be the direct measurement of air and sea temperatures themselves.

    satellite data from NASA showing cooling in the antartic:

  13. You might read this web page:

    Misleading Reports About Antarctic Melting

  14. the earth has been gone through many natural warming and cooling stages long before humans were here, and it will continue to do so long after were gone, its an inevitability

  15. It is normal. Global warming is a fraud for money scam.

    I took one of the global warming footprint test, saw no way that I could take credit for my acres and acres of trees, they just wanted money. WAKE UP!

  16. A piece of ice breaking off is a sign of global warming?  I don't think it is anything new considering ice does not extend from Antarctica all the way to Africa and South America.

    I love the alarmists' predictions.  A piece of ice will break off of a huge chunk of ice in the next 30 years because of global warming.  I predict a piece of ice will break off of Antarctica in the next 30 years because Algore's private plane will set his enormous **** down too hard.  That will prove Algore's fat influences global climate.

  17. I don't really understand the question, are you trying to say when will the so called 'skeptics' finally see sense?

    In which case I would say when global warming directly affects them. Maybe a crazy storm will destroy their home or they will get one of the many illnesses that are spreading because of the climate change. Or perhaps when a forest in their area is destroyed because of the pine beetles that are bad for forests and are thriving because of higher climates.

    For some people it's easier to point the finger of blame at someone else and make up excuses. It's easier than excepting the truth and doing something about it.

  18. A shift in water, even one resulting from a strong wind, can bring a lot of warmer water under an ice field, and cause a break up.

    One would need more extensive observation than just one ice field decomposing to make any argument about causation.

  19. Actually this is very normal.

    Anyhow, the Antarctic sea ice has begun growing again and has 60% more ice coverage than last year at this time.

    By the way, last year Antarctica set a record for the most sea ice coverage since Antarctic ice measurements began (were there measurements before satellites?).


    young_jedii, could you link your source for the 27% figure? The source you did give speaks of the increased flow rate of glaciers in response to a break up of an ice shelf, and it appears to be from 2004, some time after the Larsen B breakup. That may have been intentional, I don't know.

    Here is a recent peer-reviewed paper that discusses the likely cause of the Larsen B breakup:

    Here is an article explaining the likely catalyst of ice sheet's flow to the ocean:

    This article explains the role of volcanoes in one glacier's flow:


    young_jedii, it appears you have misunderstood my 60% figure. Your 27% figure means that sea ice coverage this year is 27% above the average. Mine means that this year has 60% more ice coverage than last year at this time. I don't find any discrepancy.

    Edit3: Thanks young_jedii.

  20. Let's see - It's summer in the southern hemisphere, the antarctic ice has been gaining mass since it was first measured in 1979.  Since it's summer, the ice does melt and the ice gets weak.  A piece breaks off, so what?  Yes, this is a normal event.

    Oooh - An iceberg- It must be global warming

    Oooh - a hurricane - That's proof global warming is real

    Oooh - a earthquake - how can you be a skeptic?

    Oooh - tornado, a drought, a flood - That's proof man is causing global warming

    Give me a break!!!

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