
To all teen girls (Only)?

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If you had a really strict mom and you was afraid to tell her you were pregnant would you....

1) Write her a letter one night letting her know that u are and how sorry u are, then go stay the night at a friends house while she's sleep and call her in the morning after she calms down altleast a little?

2) Tell her face to face?




  1. best to tell her face to face. if you write her a letter then she is only going to be more mad because then on top of that you left. those are the consequences after not listening to what your parents always told you.. just face it and then at the end its going to be worth going thru all thr trouble for that one child. A lot of responsibility also.

  2. Dont listen to people who call u an irresposible **** for starters... they are probably looking in the mirror at the moment they write that anyhow. I would tell her face to face. You did it so you have to be able to face the consequences. Even though she's strict its probably because she loves you ALOT. Even after, if you tell her, she would probably yell, maybe, maybe not. But after a while she will calm down and support you the whole way.

  3. i would write a letter and go to a friends house. my mom is really strict and im afraid of what her initial reaction would be. it seems very smart to do #1. and people sayin do it face to face well it depends on your mother. my momma is african so if i wanna live i would write the letter lol

  4. Both options do sound good. As i have a very strict mom i would tell her face to face but you can write the letter and once shes done reading it you can discuss it and such. Of course its gonna hurt her and it may make her mad and possibly make her think of where she may have gone wrong or make you cry but its just something that you will have to go through.

    if you do write the letter n give it to her n discuss it afterwards tell her beforehand that you love her and that it was not meant to happen and please try to be understanding it was not something you planned for but maybe if shes willing to help you with the mistake....if u did plan for it tell her it is a choice you are willing to live with and accept full responsibility. that is something that i have thought about and thats the way i see it. She will love you in the end and try to help you out. No mother can deny her child when in need, even a strict one.

    *Assure her that it is not something you may have done because she may have not of taught you right.*

  5. Tell her too her face

    If you were my daughter i would be mad you gave me a d**n letter you got preggo like an adult tell her like AN ADULT>>>

  6. I know you asked for teen girls only, but I am a grandmother and my daughter once came to me when she was young and told me she was pregnant and it was so much better because we could talk it out and I helped her to terminate that pregnancy.  She needed my support more than anything and at such a young age nobody should bring up a child.  You should tell her face to face.

  7. Write the letter but stay because she will appreciate the fect that you didn't run off but wanted to talk to her face to face!

  8. just tell her shes not gona be happy if u rite a letter is she ?

    so just tell her n make the right desicion together etc xx

  9. Many would say number 2 is the best thing to do but I know I would surely do number one cause my mom is really strict too and I just hate getting in trouble. It's easier to handle situations when the person has cooled down.

  10. freak out..

    but i think id tell 'em through a letter...

    knowing my mom...she would beat the **** out of me if i get pregnant( not that i have an abusive mom...shes just really strict but shes nice too...) so id rather tell it through a letter...

  11. I think you will have to it to her to her face. By writing a letter, it may seem like you are evading responsiblility, and i always find that writing a letter to my parents gets me in trouble strangely. Just get it over and done with, prehaps make her sit down first. Im sorry, i know you feel nervous about telling her, but she must know!

  12. Grow some balls and tell her face to face. You were "adult" enough to have s*x, now be a real adult and own up to your responsibilities.

  13. I wouldn't get pregnant easy as that? I hope this is hypothetical

  14. face to face. like i would wait till we were working in the kitchen or something and then be like "hey i got something i need to tell you."

  15. The best way to tell your mom your preg. is face to face.

    You rmade the mistake now you gotta live up to it,

    Feel free to e-mail me, Ill help you out.

    Good luck

  16. Face to face, 'cause I'd have to be responsible and mature, wouldn't I?

  17. okay, either way this is a bad situation, but also depends on how old you are. idea 1 is a good idea but she might rather have you just tell her in person. I would suggest maybe having a close(girl) friend with you while you told your mom, so you are not all alone.

  18. it depends if she will be aggressive and shout alot or vilont. If yes then i say 1.

    However, if she is only strict but would be calm about it then 2 is the best option, it would help her relise that you are mature, well think u r anyways

    goodluck babe.

  19. well when i told my mom i did it over the phone because i was staying with my uncle in connecticut and she was in N.J. she was really upset and i had to go home for a while but then we talked and it was all alright.

  20. I'm 24.... and I think you should listen to someone who is a little older, versus a teenager, that probably has no idea where your parents are coming from.

    You need to tell her face to face, own up to what the situation is, talk to her like an adult..... she may freak out at first, any mom would.... but she is your mother and she loves you unconditionally.

  21. Definitely tell her face to face. She'd be pissed if you left a letter and then ran off. Sure, it gives her some cooling off time, but it also gives her some time to realize that you weren't responsible enough to tell her yourself.

  22. Face to Face

    If you cant face her by yourself then take a friend (or the father) with you for support

  23. writing the letter seems easier but eventually you would have to talk to her face to face so I'd just do number 2

  24. tell her face to face.

  25. not being funny , but who is she to get angry ? seriously its you who is in sh*t you dont need her to tell you. frankly only tell her when your good and ready and if your going to have an abortion then dont tell her at all , tbf you dont need the hassel right now, just support.

  26. I think face to face is better.  But if you think she'll need the time to cool off, arrange to spend the night at the friend's house after telling her.

    If I were you, I'd wait until she's in a good mood and you have her full attention.  Then say something like the following: "Mom, I have something really important to tell you.  I'm pregnant.  I'm sure you're disappointed in me, and I didn't mean to let you down.  But I realize how serious this is, and I plan to take responsibility.  I've made a prenatal care appointment for [day].  You have no idea how much I would appreciate your support."

    To get the phone number of the non-profit clinic closest to you, go to

    I wish you the best!  Send me a message if there's anything you need.

    <3 Kelsey

  27. Answer 2. Tell Her to her face. She needs to hear such an important peice of news from you. Even if she's mad, she'll cool off. You'll probably get a long talk and then she'll do whatever she can to help you

  28. tell her face 2 face it will show that you are a little more responsible... let her know that you are ready 2 do what you have 2 do to take care of the child... how old r u ??

  29. I would do number one becuase I'd be scared. But I guess it is better to tell her to her face.

  30. Tell her to her face,

    That's the least you can do.

  31. I'm 22 and I know that you said only teens...but from someone that is still on the border of teen/college...I would say tell her face to face. The letter would give you the opportunityt to say what you want, but it doesn't show her how grown up you are. If you are grown up enough to have s*x and get pregnant then you need to take responsibility and tell her to her face. She will probably be angry or cry though or she might not want to talk for awhile.

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