
To be an actor?

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If i finish the Arts University and I make acting classes can I become an Actor?




  1. If you're able to finish school with a degree from any school with a decent arts program, it shouldn't be too hard to make a decent living as an actor.

    Now, if your goal is to be a superstar, that's a different thing entirely.

  2. I guess anyone can be an actor these days. I think it will depend on you and of course lots of luck. I think you should have a steady job first. You will need the money.

  3. That dedicated are you? If you continue taking classes (which you don't need to "make", just sign up for) and do community theatre or independant/student films, it is very possible to be an actor. Just remember that only 1 in a 1 000 000 will be subject to superstardom. GOOD LUCK

  4. start with classes at school then do plays at shcool build up your resume get experience! then get an agent and if you want to be succesful it will take years of hard work slowly climbing the ladder of success but if you get a chance to do somethign big go for it!

    for agents and all the info you need go to and for the agent one click table of contents then click city nearest you. read everything on the site

    answers wont pop up infront of you so look around and click on the words in blue but not the ones that are double underlined!

  5. hi. im a female and you may not wan t to take my advice because im younger than you but im also trying to do the same thing and i feel that you stiil can ba an actor just have a back up plan. get you art right such as monolouge, headshot and resume and take it from there. such as appling for agents near you. find out address send them your info and explan to them that you want to join there team. :)

  6. Answer # 1 offers some valid thoughts.

       Obviously NO ONE here can truly answer you with a yes or no, only offer opinions.

       All the education is the world isn't a promise of much, if one doesn't make the effort to achieve a goal. You can go through a 1000 questions here, regarding "I WANT" or HOW DO I?"

       So much of the issue, whether in any creative sense, or being an auto mechanic, is having, or developing, a passion for what one does. If it is no more than a JOB, and if your interest in this craft is no more than $$$, you may still become an "ACTOR" but we may never know your name.

       In a statistical sense, the median wage for an ACTOR in the US, is just under $49,000, in 2008. Not so horrible, considering some make far less in many JOBS, and certainly you can count on your fingers those who are in the multi million dollar club. I suspect even the latter did not get involved strictly for the dollars.

       Your most logical course of action is to make the effort, and make it work for you, even if it takes 1,000 auditions, reams of resumes, stacks of Head Shots, and persistence. You should probably also acquire levels of Tolerance, acceptance, and perhaps even a sense of NON degrading compromise, most especially in any rejections that happen.

       So to directly answer the Q again. ONLY YOU will know.

  7. It depends on your age, appearance, location, and capability. In my opinion, a good performer requires 3 things:

    Passion, energy, and talent.

    Try these sites:

    To research the career:

    To find auditions:


    Good luck!
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