
To click or not to click?

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Do you wear your seat belt when you get in the car or does someone have to remind you?




  1. h**l no. im so fat its like i have a built in airbag.

  2. I always wear mine and I remind anyone else that may be riding with me to buckle up.

  3. I put mine on out of habit.  I have to remind others to put their's on.

  4. what kind of question is that?? i wear my seatbelt, in pa its agaisnt the law not too!

  5. its like habit to put it on now

  6. Always wear my seatbelt, It's me that remids everyone. If we get into an accident, not only will they be hurt but they are a danger to those in the car as well.

  7. I wear mine out of habit

  8. It is the first thing I do when I enter any vehicle, always.

    Remember the phrase:

    "Click it or ticket!"

  9. Automatically I guess it's a habit!

  10. I've worn mine my entire life. I just feel weird when I'm not wearing one.

  11. i wear mine all the time i just got it into habbit and now it just clicks to put it on

  12. Its impossible for me to forget because my car has automatic seatbelts that go on by themselves when you start the car, so I dont actually have to put it on.

  13. I feel totally scared and panicky if I don't have one on.  Its habit to put one on...I don't even need to think about it.  But see what happens to someone when they go thru the windshield if you need to be reminded why...ick!

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