
To clip or not clip?

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I rescued 5 poodles from a breeder. They are in very bad shape. I am wondering if it would be cheaper for me to just buy some clippers and shave them down instead of taking them to a groomer. they have some clippers at walmart but I am not sure if they are good enough? I would like to shave them down with a very close cut. do you think these would work and last through 5 small dogs? I have heard that that you have to replace the blades each time?




  1. If the dogs are mattered or knotty, don't bath them. If you bath and dry them it makes the knots even tighter on the skin and causes more pain for the dog.

    If you decided to clip the dogs yourself you must buy a good pair of clippers.  The cheap clippers tend to get caught in the coat and you will end up cutting the dog. Which will then lead to vet bills.

    It would probly be better to take them to the groomers. They should offer you a discount for 5 dogs.

  2. I would take them to a professional, even if it costs more.  Clipping a dog who isn't used to it, such as one who has come from a situation of neglect like you are describing, can be very traumatic, and if you haven't clipped a dog before, it's best to let a professional do it.  It will be much faster and easier on the dogs.  Also, with the cheap clipper sets, the blades quickly get gummy and dull, heat up excessively and many do not have enough power to cleanly cut the coat, so you end up pulling the hair and having an unhappy dog.  If you choose a local groomer rather than a chain, and explain the situation, it's likely they may offer you a reduced rate on clipping all 5, especially if you have taken them in with the intention of getting them happy and healthy and adopting them to new families.  

  3. Clipping..well you need to make sure it is sharp and you can use it much more than once. The cleaner the dogs the longer the blade lasts. Be careful dogs could have tumors or don't want to run clippers over them..also, they may not be used to being clipped so enlist some help. Give those clippers time to cool as you do the dogs, you can give the dogs razor burns if not cool enough.Make sure that if eyes are matted clean out wihth a wash make sure it drys feel it and make sure that the eye lashes and so forth not attached to a mat..Do not groom is the dogs are damp or wet.I have had eye balls sticking out on dogs who have such a lack of care it wasn't funny so just be careful of what you cut! They are sharp!  Good luck! Blade size is important try a seven and if thats to long go 10 but be careful not to use anything higher until you see results of what you are dioing!

  4. I would recommend a professional clip for their first time.  They could be matted to the skin, in which case cutting them is a real possibility.  The blades also get very hot and must be cooled constantly, or you could give the dog a "razor burn".  Yes, you would have to change blades between dogs - or sharpen the one you're using and disinfect them.   It would just be easier for everyone involved [you and the dogs] to have someone else do it.  Talk to a local groomer.  They may praise you for rescuing them and give you a package deal.  They would probably also clip their nails and clean the ears and eyes.

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