
To my GLBTIQA brothers and sisters...?

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Have you ever Googled yourself just to see what comes up???




  1. Yeah, I've been doing that regularly since I was 13. I think everyone does it and no one talks about it. I know what comes up. What I want to know is how to get it off the ceiling.

    Edit: serious, I did it for real and up came this organization in San Francisco that puts up rainbow flags for Pride events

  2. Yes!!! And the funny thing is that the first thing that come up on the list is the genealogy on my family that my cousin did years ago. I am an actual Google item!!!  

  3. my photography site comes up, and some tourism officer or something.


    our teacher told us to google ourselves in school one day when i was about 9..

    and a p**n star and bikini model came up and someone clicked on the pictures and i got into a lot of trouble and everyone found it hilarious haha...except me.

    was quite embarassing really..:p

  4. I sure have! The only thing that comes up is my employment listing on .... I wish it was coming up when people Google "awesome employee you really want for your next project" !

  5. i just did and nothing came up lol.

    alot of liliana, isable,magana, gonzales related post did but nothing about me.

  6. yes !

  7. all the time

    but never anything good

    ive even pipl searched myself (it trys to find online documents about a person) but nothing came up

  8. yes and I did find something=]

    An article in a newspaper where I was interviewed, I totally didn't know it was there haha.

  9. I Google myself at least once a day. The same thing always pops up!

    OK, now I feel bad for going for the obvious. I have done a lot of work in the field of International Poverty Relief. So some articles I've written and some articles about IPR that have me in them come up.

  10. gonna go do it now, brb.......

    EDIT: apparently i'm a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle.

  11. Just did, not a thing, scared to under my old name.

  12. yup - my scores from college basketball come up.

  13. there's some drummer with my name.

    and a county AND elementary school are named after me

  14. Yes. A doctor (surgeon) came up when I Googled "Daniel Dempsey". LOL.

  15. Never until just now.

    Apparently, I've been inducted into the National Thumbpickers Hall of Fame.

    This is apparently because I play the guitar really, really well.

    Also, I'm on Facebook.

    Ha ha.

    None of this is me.

  16. Nah, my real name is way too common, and I've not really done anything to warrant my being on a website.

    My picture is all over the place though, mostly on g*y bar pages....  even the g*y boys love my big b***s....

  17. OMG!!!!  ROFLMFAO Double Secret Agent Dyson Hoover!!!


  18. Wow, some guy with my name was a ww2 hero. He even had a war ship named after him. I just read it on Wikipedia. Nothing about me personally. I learned something new today. Thanks.

  19. Our custody case is making SRS case history in two states and 3 counties. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

  20. oh i could be so naughty....

    but yeah, it's a "this is your life" moment b/c i have published a lot of writing so each article pops up. then there are some dead people in georgia from the civil war that pop up too.

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