
To our Jewish friends?

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Judasim is a non-conversionary religion (or so I understand) .... If Judaism had an implicit requirement to enangelise would we now have Christianity and Islam today ?




  1. According to Paul's writings in the New Testament, Christians have been grafted into the Jewish tree. So in this grafted way, Christian believers are also Jewish. So Judaism is evangelizing anyway as Jesus advances His Kingdom on earth,... with or without natural-born Jews participating because of the veil over their eyes (that they cannot see that Jesus is their long-awaited Messiah).

    The god of Judaism is Jehovah, also called El-ohim (a Hebrew plural form of God). The god of Islam is Allah. Allah is not Jehovah. It is another spirit.

  2. what????..... I feel a BIG debate coming

  3. Actually, way back, Judaism was more evangelistic! But those who sought to encourage people to convert into the faith got into trouble and usually got killed! So it stopped!

    Your post is very interesting. Only today I read an article by an American writer who is arguing that Judaism should now become more pro-active in encouraging people to consider converting. In America, apparently therer is a lot of movement between religions but Judaism, unlike all the others, does not increase in numbers, because while all are welcome to join us, conversion is a fairly rigorous process.

    In my humble opinion, Judaism would benefit from adopting a *slightly* more proactive approach. Conversion must always be a formal process, but there are quite a few  people out there who are genuinely drawn to Judaism, but who are shy about pursuing that interest :)

    Oh, to answer your actual question:

    Yes, there would still be Christianity and Islam. One of the reasons why Christianity was so popular was because firstly, the men didn't have to be circumcised, and secondly, the early Church presented it as 'freeing' people from the 'old laws'.

    - It was an irrational argument, because the Jewish laws ONLY ever applied to Jews. So Jesus did not 'free' anyone!


    When some of you keep claiming you are 'grafted into the jewish tree', does it EVER EVER EVER occur to you that it's up to JEWS whether or not that happens, not YOU?

  4. God said He is Alpha and Omega, He knew His people would not receive Christ as their messiah and thus the Gentile nations were grafted in to the true vine. Don't ever include Islam in with Judaism and Christianity as they do not worship Yahweh but the false god allah.

  5. Christianity was spread widely by the crusades; if the Jewish faith did something similar then it would probably be a more popular world religion. The beliefs are arbitrary, how they're spread causes most of their popularity. For example: Mormonism, a very evangelical religion, is the fastest growing religion in the world.  

  6. I'm not a Jew I am a Muslim and the answer's from some people just show bad ignorance.

    Some are saying ALLAH is a false GOD. ALLAH means THE ONE TRUE GOD and THE ONLY ONE TO BE WORSHIPPED.

    SO this shows they are speaking without knowledge so they should not give a answer at all.

    And it is like them saying That saying the 1 true God is a false GOD which doesn't make sense at all and it contradicts it self.

    Also some people are saying the God of Islam. Well there is only 1 true God who is ALLAH who created all of us. There is not a different God who created different people, ALLAH is the 1 true GOD who created ALL of us.

    hope I helped

  7. Jews believe that all righteous people will have a place in the world to come (if it exists) We do not seek converts as there is simply no need. By living by the Noahide laws anyone can gain salvation. We are supposed to be "a light unto the nations and a nation of priests" Unfortunately most of us (especially yours truly) do not live up to that ideal.

    Christianity really took off as a political force because of the efforts of Constantine who made it the religion of the Roman empire mainly as a way of uniting the empire.

    THere is more than enough room for all believers and non believers in this world. AS Rabbi Hillel says "Do not unto others that which is hateful unto you" That is the whole Torah, the rest is commentary.

  8. I think we would still have Christianity and Islam, but I think the physical and political and psychological conflicts between the three Abrahamic religions would be much worst than it is now.  Currently the conflicts are mostly between Christian and Islamic populations due to their high amount of people.  If Judaism had as many people as the other two religions think about how it would affect our wars and political situations and such.

  9. think about it as christianity remaining the vocal, 'bang a gong for jesus' religious recruiting arm for the jewish faith as it is today really. the jewish dont recognise jesus' divinity thats all.

  10. So you are trying to say that you can't convert and that is why there aren't more of them?  And do you mean Evangelize?  

    You can convert.... it is tough, but it can be done.  Most Jewish people are Born into their religion.... they don't have to go out and beg folks to join.

  11. Dazz excellent question. One could write whole libraries on this topic as speculation. If Judaism had been inclusive the worlds religions would have been different.

  12. I am not entirely sure what you mean by "conversionary"....

    it IS entirely possible to convert to Judaism. really... it is.  we do not SEEK converts. but we will accept them if they are interested and really want to.

    some people LIE and say that christians are Jews(obviously nonsense)  and others say that one can be Jewish and believe in Jesus (which is also nonsense)

    also, Christians in large, despite thinking that they do, clearly do not follow the same God as Judaism.  they have very very very different concepts of God and understanding and everything.

    it is a matter of fact that Jesus did NOT fulfill the prophecys regarding the Messiah of Judaism. this is empirical fact. not debatable.

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