
To those who have studied abroad?

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Homestay or Dorm?

So, it's a general questions basically. I'm not sure which one is better, and I know it all depends, but I'm only going to be in Japan for a semester and I won't to get the most out of it.

I've been wanting to stay with a family, but recently I've heard a lot of people say it's a hit and miss with the homestay.

Has anyone traveled abroad and can I just get your opinion on the matter? Thanks!!




  1. I would prefer dorm. I know that it is better to get the real experience doing homestay, but when I did it some of my friends decided to do homestay while I did dorm and they wanted to switch shoes with me. It is a c**p shot nowadays

  2. The dorm experience will be pretty much the same in Japan is it is here in the US, except the rooms are smaller. A plus to a dorm stay is that you are amongst folks your own age. A minus is the incomplete immersion. Your language skills will likely be further developed if you do a home stay.

    A good homestay family is definatly the best way to go. If you get a mediocre family, I personally think it's no worse than a dorm. So, on balance, I'd pick homestay.


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