
To those who reject Hadiths...?

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How do you pray and what do you say in your Salats?

I already know that there are 5 prayers mentioned in the Quran, so the whole "there are only 3 prayers according to the Quran" is completely false. If you want proof, I can provide it for you.

As for the performing of Salats, if you do not refer to the Hadiths for examples of how the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prayed, where in the Quran do you get your examples? How do you pray and what do you say/recite in your Salats?




  1. They only recite fatiha, which isn't even a command, so they basically guess.

  2. they pray 3 times

    edit: i asked 1. he told me 3 times. also quran not everything is directly so they might not look deep into the ayyahs definition.

    also they believe 2verses were by the devil.any other thing they say isnt that surprising.

  3. My dear Rumaitha salam for you.Yes Allah has given the last and perfect life guide for all humans on this earth,that is called the holy Qu'an.This life guide has been explained and given examples by  Muhammad pbuh the last prophet and messenger of Allah that is called Hadits So both are our own life guide which should be understood,obeyed and practised by all of us.Yes the main shalat(prayer) in the Qur'an is spoken only 3 times at the early morning Shubuh,at the day and at night.But it is explained and given its example by Muhammad pbuh that in 24 hours we should pray 5 times e.g 1 at early morning (shubuh),2 times at the day (zuhur and ashr) and 2 times at night (maghrib and isya).Allah spoke in the Qur'an that we should love Allah and also Muhammad pbuh.By loving Muhammad pbuh it means that we love Allah too.To love Allah and Muhammad pbuh means that we must obey to all of instructions and prohibitions as stated in the Qur'an and explained in Hadits if we want a safety and happy life on earth and in the life after death.In our shalat we should say Al Fatihah and any other surah for the first 2 raka'ats as stated in hadits and given its example by Muhammad pbuh.Standing,ruku (bow down) and sujud(kneel down) and sitting in attakhiyyat we follow Muhammad pbuh and his sahabahs as the best example.

  4. Those who reject Hadiths, shows they do not believe in this verse

    Allah says:"O you who believe! Obey Allaah and obey the Messenger, and make not vain your deeds!"[Quran; 47: 33]

    although the Quran is easy to understand, it does need to be explained so that it is properly understood. Allaah Says (what means): "And when We have recited it to you [O Muhammad through Jibreel (Gabriel)] then follow you its (The Quran's) recital. Then it is for Us (Allaah) to make it clear (to you)." [Quran; 75: 18,19]

    Allaah Says (what means):  "…And We have sent down unto you (O Muhammad) the Reminder, that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought." [Quran; 16: 44]

    The reason that many of the Muslims are going astray today is because they are not only leaving off the Sunnah but they are leaving the Quran as well! If you are not giving the Sunnah its rights, then you are not giving the Quran its rights.

    And Without the Sunnah then the second statement of your Shahaadah also has no meaning.

    So Only Quran people is just another sect of Islam which is again wrong and incomplete.

    Rest Allah knows the best~!

  5. true hadith is traced by a scientific method dirsctly and prcisely to the prophet.

    a hadith in al-Bukhari or Muslim have 0% to be corrupt or fake.

    those who reject those hadiths have the same description as those who reject scientific facts which is : lunatics.

  6. Those who reject Hadiths say that Hadith is a word to mouth thing so its not reliable.As far praying is concerned I really don't know how they do it if they don't follow the Hadith.

  7. Salam sis,

    Since none of the Quran Only folks gave you an answer and because i read alot about them, i'll answer this one too for you!

    Like i told you too in your other question, most submitters do pray 5 times too.

    Prayer according to submitters:

    The Five Times Are Specified in the Quran

    (1)  The Dawn Contact Prayer is mentioned by name in 24:58. Before sunrise.

    (2)  The Noon Contact Prayer is specified in 17:78. When the sun declines.

    (3)  The Afternoon Contact Prayer is in 2:238. Midway between noon & sunset.

    (4)  The Sunset Contact Prayer is mentioned in 11:114. Immediately after sunset.

    (5)  The Night Contact Prayer is in 11:114, and is mentioned by name in 24:58.  

    All positions of the Contact Prayers are found in the Quran, including the standing position (3:39, 39:9), the bowing and prostration positions (Rukoo' and Sajood) (2:43, 3:43, 9:112, 22:26,77).

    The Five Times Are Specified in the Quran

    (1)  The Dawn Contact Prayer is mentioned by name in 24:58. Before sunrise.

    (2)  The Noon Contact Prayer is specified in 17:78. When the sun declines.

    (3)  The Afternoon Contact Prayer is in 2:238. Midway between noon & sunset.

    (4)  The Sunset Contact Prayer is mentioned in 11:114. Immediately after sunset.

    (5)  The Night Contact Prayer is in 11:114, and is mentioned by name in 24:58.  

    The Call to Prayer (Azaan)

    Azaan is not part of the Contact Prayers, nor is it required. But it has become a tradition in the Muslim communities to summon the people to prayer through a loud announcement. The original Azaan used to conform with the Quran's teachings, but became corrupted with time.

    Originally, the call to prayer consisted of:

    (1)  Allahu Akbar (God is Great), 4 times.

    (2)  Laa elaaha Ellaa Allah (There is no god beside God), once.

    Many years later, some people added Muhammad's name to the Azaan. This violates God's commandments in 2:136, 2:285, 3:84, 4:150 and 72:18. Later, other groups of Muslims added the names of Ali and family. Today the Azaan is severely corrupted throughout the Muslim world, and constitutes idol worship, not Submission to God ALONE.

    The Correct Azaan

    If you pray by yourself, an Azaan is not needed. The Azaan is usually observed when a group of people are ready to observe the prayer. One person stands up and utters the Azaan words, or chants them as follows:

    Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar (God is great, God is great).

    Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

    Laa Elaaha Ella Allah (There is no god besides God).

    Preparation for the Contact Prayer (The Ablution)

    O you who believe, in preparation for the Contact Prayer, you shall

    (1)  wash your faces,

    (2)  wash your arms to the elbows,

    (3)  wipe your heads with wet hands, and

    (4)  wash your feet to the ankles.                      [Quran 5:6]

    Like all other aspects of Submission, the Muslims have corrupted the ablution by adding unauthorized steps. Ironically, the innovations became vested with such authority that anyone who questions them finds himself accused of innovation!!

    It is therefore crucial to uphold God's commands by strictly observing the ablution decreed in the Quran. Any additional steps represent another god besides God.

    The Major Ablution

    Following any sexual activity that results in a climax (o****m/ejaculation), one must bath or take a shower (4:43).

    The Dry Ablution (Tayammum)

    If water is not available, one must touch clean dry soil, then wipe his hands and face. This suffices as a substitute for ablution (4:43, 5:6).

    What Nullifies Ablution

    Digestive excretions through the intestines, including gas, solids, or urine nullify ablution. Sleeping also nullifies ablution, since one becomes unaware. Thus one may observe a number of Contact Prayers with one ablution, provided he or she does not go to the bathroom, pass gas, or fall asleep.


    1.  Face the direction of Mecca (Qiblah):

    This is an organizational point decreed by God in 2:125. God wills that all submitters must face the same direction when they observe the contact prayers. In the U.S.A., the direction is slightly South of East.

    2.  The Intention

    In your own language, secretly or audibly, state your intention that you are about to observe the Contact Prayer. Remember to state the time (Dawn, Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, or Night).

    3. Raise your hands to the sides of your face:

    Your thumbs touch your ears, and the palms of your hands face forward.

    4.  Say "Allahu Akbar".          

    As you raise your hands to the sides of your face, then move them down to your sides in a continuous motion, you say, "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great). This opens up the prayer. You are in contact with your Creator.

    5. The Standing Position:

    You are now standing with you arms resting naturally at your side. Some people place the left hand on the stomach, and the right hand on top of the left hand. Either position is correct - you may place your hands on your stomach while standing, or you may let your arms hang down by your sides.

    6. Recite "The Key" (Sura 1) in Arabic:

    We learn from 2:37 that God gives us the words by which we establish contact with Him. We must utter the specific sounds dictated in "The Key". A translation of "The Key" would be human-made. The Arabic sounds of "The Key" represent a numerical combination that opens the treasure. Like a telephone number, unless a specific numbers are dialed, contact cannot be established. This is all the Arabic you need. Everything else can be said in your language. Reciting "The Key" in Arabic unifies all Submitters of the world, regardless of their languages.

    [The Key]


        (In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)


        (Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe)


        (Most Gracious, Most Merciful)


        (Master of the Day of Judgment)


        (You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help)


        (Guide us in the right path)



        (the path of those whom You blessed; not of those who have deserved

        wrath, nor of the strayers)

    Since "The Key" is recited 17 times a day, it will become easy for you to recite and understand in a few weeks; it will become like your mother tongue.

    7. The bowing position (Rukoo)

    After reciting "The Key" while standing, you bow down into the position of Rukoo`. As shown in the figure, you bow down from the waist, keep the knees straight, and place your hands on your knees. Your eyes look at a point about 2 feet in front of you.

    As you move from the standing position to the bowing position you say, "Allahu Akbar".

    While bowing you say "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem" or "Glory be to God, the Great" or "God be glorified" for short.

    8  Stand Up:  

    As you stand up from the bowing position to the standing position you say, "Sami`Allahu Liman Hamidah" or "God responds to those who praise Him".  

    You stay in the standing position only a second, then you fall prostrate. As you go from the standing position to the prostration position you say, "Allahu Akbar".

    9. The Prostration Position (Sujood):

    From the standing position you go down on your knees, then place your forehead on the floor about 1-2 feet in front of your knees.

    During prostration you say, "Subhaana Rabbiyal A`laa" or “Glory be to God, the Most

    High”  or "God be glorified" for short

    10.  The Sitting Position.

    As you sit up from the prostration position, you say, "Allahu Akbar." You remain in the sitting position only for a second, then you go down for the second prostration.

    As you go down for the second prostration you say, "Allahu Akbar."

    During the second prostration you say, "Subhaana Rabbiyal A`laa" or “Glory be to God, the Most High”  or "God be glorified" for short  Once you complete the second prostration, you have completed one full unit (Rak`ah).

    11.  Stand up for the second unity (Rak`ah).

    As you stand up you say, "Allahu Akbar."

    The Dawn Prayer

    This Contact Prayer consists of 2 units.

    Repeat steps 5 through 11.

    Thus, when you get from the second prostration you say, "Allahu Akbar," and assume the sitting position. While in the sitting position you pronounce the First Pillar of Submission, the shahhaadah:

    Ash-Hadu An Laa Elaaha Ellaa Allah, Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lah.  

    (I bear witness that there is no other god beside God. He ALONE is God; He has no partner).

    Look to the right and say, "Assalaamu Alaikum," then to the left and say the same. This completes the Dawn Prayer.

    The Noon Prayer

    This prayer consists of 4 units. Thus, you do the first two units exactly as explained for the Dawn Prayer up to the sitting position. You pronounce the First Pillar (known as "Shahaadah") then you stand up for the third unit. You do not utter the Salaams (Assalamu Alaikum).

    As you stand up for the third unit you say, "Allahu Akbar." The third and fourth units are identical to the first two units.

    When you get up from the second prostration of the fourth unit, you say "Allahu Akbar" and you assume the sitting position. In the sitting position you pronounce the Shahaahah, and you say the Salaams on both sides. This concludes the Noon Prayer.

    The Afternoon Prayer

    This prayer is identical to the Noon Prayer. Only the "Intention" of course is different.

    The Sunset Prayer

    This prayer consists of three units. Steps of each unit are just as detailed above. Thus, when you complete the second prostration of the second unit, you assume the sitting position, recite the Shahaadah, then you continue to the third and last unit. After the second prostration of the third unit, you assume the setting position,  recite the Shahaadah again, then utter the Salaams on both sides. This concludes the Sunset Prayer.

    The Night Prayer

    This prayer is identical with the other 4-unit prayers, the Noon and the Afternoon Prayers.

    The Contact Prayers and The Quran's Mathematical Code

    As noted above, the Dawn, Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, and the Night Prayers consist of 2, 4, 4, 3, & 4 units, respectively. When we put these 5 numbers next to each other we get 24434, and this number is a multiple of 19 (24434 = 19 x 1286). The common denominator of the Quran's code is 19. This phenomenon confirms that the number of units for each Contact Prayer has been preserved intact, but the sequence 2, 4, 4, 3, and 4 is also confirmed.

    Your Tone of Voice During the Contact Prayers

    You shall not be too loud during your Contact Prayers, nor shall you say them secretly; you shall maintain an intermediate tone [17:110].

    During a group prayer, only the Imam is audible; everyone else listens.

    The Group Prayer

    Two or more people may observe the Contact prayers together. One person leads the group prayer, uttering "The Key" in a loud enough voice to be heard by everyone in the group. Other utterances must be silent. Anyone may join the group late, in the middle of the prayer. He or she must make the same moves as the group. Then, at the end of the prayer, he or she must stand up and make up whatever portion was missed.

    The Friday Prayer

    The Friday Congregational Prayer (Salat Al_Jum`ah) is so important, a whole sura is entitled "Friday" and a commandment is decreed in Verse 62:9 to observe this prayer. Every Submitter - man, woman, and child - is commanded by God to observe the Friday Congregational Prayer.

    The Friday Prayer replaces the Noon Prayer every Friday. Instead of 4 units, the Friday Prayer consists of listening to two sermons delivered by the Imam, and two units of prayer.

    Each sermon must begin with "Al-Hamdu Lillah" (Praise be to God), "Laa elaaha Ellaa Allah" (No other god besides God). Each sermon should last 10-15 minutes and must be delivered in the language of the congregation. At the end of the first sermon, the congregation is asked to repent, "Tooboo Ela Allah." The Imam then sits down for about a minute and makes his repentance together with the congregation, then stands up for the second sermon. The second sermon ends by asking one of the people to say Azaan. The Imam leads the 2-unit prayer.

    At the end of every Prayer

    The worshippers may shake hands, hug each other, and /or exchange greetings after completing the prayer. The custom is to say to each other, "Congratulations." This is because the Contact Prayers are a gift from God, that helps us nourish and develop our souls. One should be congratulated upon completing such a blessed accomplishment.

  8. [37:35] When they were told, "Laa Elaaha Ella Allah," they turned arrogant.

    """""As for the performing of Salats, if you do not refer to the Hadiths for examples of how the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prayed, where in the Quran do you get your examples? How do you pray and what do you say/recite in your Salats?""""""

    you already believe that Glorious Quran is NOT DETAILED/PERFECT/COMPLETE  rejecting 6:38,6:114..

    [3:18] GOD bears witness that there is no god except He, and so do the angels and those who possess knowledge. Truthfully and equitably, He is the absolute god; there is no god but He, the Almighty, Most Wise.

    you know nothing about Glorious Quran,just follow your hadith c**p,lies,fabrications and conjecture,and uphold it dearly as perhaps your books are divine,you already have utterly exposed yourself shamelessly that you know nothing about Glorious Quran.

    its good to reject hadith than Glorious Quran.

    the True Sayings of Prophet Muhammed is Glorious Quran and not hadith ..

    eat seven ajwah dates and then drink poison,,lets see if you live to tell that hadith is true ...its a test for you hadith believers,do it and prove it ..dont run away or hide behind daeef hadith..

    if you knew arabic rumaitha you would have proclaimed 3:18,37:35

    how good is your arabic ,,i can tell !!

    who was Umer to have stopped Mutah when it was allegedly practiced by Prophet and was decreed by Allah Allmighty ?

    how could he reject Allah's Command ? could you plz answer me that ? if Prophet Muhammed Stopped this Practice then how come he deviated again from Allah's command ?


    you are always trying to prove others wrong,to satisfy your false ego. you did reject 6:38.6:114 by saying ""As for the performing of Salats, if you do not refer to the Hadiths for examples of how the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prayed, where in the Quran do you get your examples? How do you pray and what do you say/recite in your Salats?""

    it wouldnt matter if i convinced you by QUran Alone,because you will not accept the facts ,,so therefore there is no point of giving you explanation,by the way,,a week back i quoted you 37:35 and 3:18,and you said you will find out,,have you found out,that this is THE REAL SHAHADAH,and the shahadah you proclaim is hurairic  !!!

    your whole faith and belief is based on false doctrine ,hadith books which says Salat was given to Prophet on Miraj,where as Quran clearly states that all religious duties were given to Prophet Ibraheem !! what an accurate hadith you follow 0 % error !! wow!

    if you knew arabic you would have solved 33:33,what kind of arabic you know which doesnt help you understand Glorious Quran and also 37:35,3:18 !what a shame honestly what a shame  !! prove your hadith right by eating 7 ajwahs and drinking poison,,just do it ,prove me wrong plz !!!!

    if you can not understand 3:18 and 37:35 you will never understand Surah Taubah.

    ** The Iqfact,,when ever there is arabic word "QUL" in Glorious Quran it means "SAY", Allah Allmighty made Prophet Muhammed "SAY"

    Salat is very clearly mentioned in Glorious Quran. the problem is majority doesnt see the error in practices,when they dont find any thing as such in Glorious Quran they think Glorious Quran is Mum about this practice, as our practices CAN NOT BE this is false conviction..what we need to do is we MUST CORRECT OUR PRACTICES According to Glorious Quran ,,as Glorious Quran is 6:114,6:38.

    isnt it strange people know more hadith than Glorious Quran!!

    majority even doesnt know that all practices were given to Prophet Ibraheem and not Prophet Muhammed,they just quote a fabricated hadith of 50 salat on miraj ,thats all what they know and not what Glorious Quran say about Salt,Zakat ,Hujj and Fast,all were given to Prophet Ibraheem,and Alhamdolillahe Quran is VERY CLEAR ABOUT SALAT,

    ** honestly i wouldnt use such word as Pissed Off,for any one ,its only you who could use these words..pretty arrogant you are

    ** if you want to know Rumaitha email me,,i am not obligated to answer YOUR QUESTION,if i deem fit i will reply,but the state of mind you have,i dont want to deal with you ,if any one else want to know ,he/she can email me.

    *rumaitha your stupidity is already exposed that even you know arabic or perhaps fluently you couldnt understand 3:18,37:35,,,what a shame honestly,do you have to be a Phd in arabic to understand 3:18,37:35,6:114,6:38..others have a benefit of doubt that they dont know arabic ..but you do !!

    go find youself the answers to your question,Allah Allmighty has given you Eyes,ears Brain,,you are responsible to use them 7:179

  9. I've been told by Qur'an only Muslims that it is due to the traditions of past Prophets and past people.  

    But even that, would still be knowledge from outside the Qur'an.

    I don't get it really.....


    @Sami - Are you sure about 0% corrupt hadeeth from Bukhari?  There's a term for hadeeth that are absolutly uncompromisably true, but I don't think it's exclusive to Bukhari.  Obviously Bukhari is one of the 6 authentic books but I wasn't aware that they were regarded as 0% false.  Not trying to argue but do you have a reference?  Maybe from Imam Bukhari or Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti or another ancient scholar?  Jazakallah brother.


    @Mohammad K - You wrote "the True Sayings of Prophet Muhammed is Glorious Quran and not hadith .."

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the Holy Qur'an were the words of Allah, not the Prophet (sa)??

    Also my brother, you didn't answer the question about Salaat.  How do Quran only Muslims know how to pray if it is not described in the Qur'an?

    And yes, I do accept hadeeth, the ones that do not contradict the Qur'an.  I don't see what the flaw in that is either.

    Qur'an says "yes" on some issue.  Hadeeth say "no" on that same issue.  If the "yes" and "no" can be somehow rectified, then great.  If not, it's a no brainer to go with the Qur'an.


    @Mohommed K - I'm very familiar with those verses.  But that still doesn't explain how you know HOW to pray.  Please answer the question.  Jazakallah.

    And yes, I know what "Qul" means as well brother.  It is still Allah saying to the Prophet "say....".  Allah revealed the Qur'an in HIS words to the Prophet (sa) and commanded him to say "xyz" to the people - - - FROM ALLAH.  Therefore, it is the words of Allah, not Muhammad (sa).  Allah bless you brother.

    love for all, hatred for none

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