
To young to pull himself up?

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My son is about 5 1/2 months old... he is army crawling now but to my amazement he will crawl to the couch and pull himself up so he is standing. I worry that it may not be good for his legs but he seems really happy doing it... is this normal? Anyone else w/ similar experience?




  1. Good for him!     He won't do it if he can't!  He won't hurt his legs.  Every movement they make is strengthening their bones and muscles. You just have to be extra alert because once they sit or stand they can fall too.  Get a good book on babies and toddlers.  What To Expect From Birth To Three Years  is a good one but remember these are only guidelines.  All babies are different and do different things at different times.  It's not an exact science.  HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK!!

  2. it called crusing and yes it good and natural  and i how they learn to walk.

  3. My daughter was doing this at this age. If they are doing it on there own, it should be fine.

  4. yes, my baby is also 5 1/2 monts old and does the same thing, i was bit worried too but eveyone said let him crawl and stand up by himself he is ready.

    i was bit worried cause kids mostly dont crawl or stand by themself at this age, but its fine , your baby is strong enough.

    good luck

  5. It is fine as long as he is doing the pulling up without you nudging/helping him.  Be there to catch him, of course.  Babies do it when they are ready and apparently he is strong enough.  Be happy and move everything out of reach!  :)

  6. My son does that. We had to be careful with him though, because he would fall forward and hit his face. :(

  7. He is perfectly fine...standing will not bother his won't make him bow legged as people used to try to tell me would happen when my daughter was standing at 4 1/2 months and fully walking by 7 3/4 months...she is 17 years now and has perfect legs.

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