
Today was my first time drinking.

by  |  earlier

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I am about 5'4 and about 115 lbs. Today was my first time drinking. I had about 1/4th a plastic cup of vodka, the rest of the cup was mountain dew. Now I feel hot, I did have the chills but it went away. I haven't thrown up and I was not "completely drunk". What should I do?




  1. Did you have a buzz?

    Anyways next time eat a good meal before leaving.

  2. what took you so long?

  3. Next time eat something before drinking. The warm feeling was the vodka kicking in, perfectly normal. Throwing up means you need to eat before drinking, or drank it to fast. Better luck if you decide to drink again.

  4. lol thats funny

  5. With all due respect, don't drink anymore. But for the time being, take an aspirin and drink a lot of water. Sleep it off. You should feel better in the morning. Oh, and in the morning, eat a breakfast with protein - like  milk and eggs.

    Also, eating some bread or cracker now might help absorb some of that alcohol. Good Luck!

  6. WELL friend, the first time you drink, your stomach is naturally going to be really sensitive because its not used to the intensity of alcohol. thats really not very much how you described it, but all your feelings are natural. I'm thinking you're psyching yourself out a bit too. The fact that you didnt eat a lot prior to drinking will increase side effects of alcohol. But yes, you'll be fine. deep breaths and sleeping it off always help. and trust me, it gets better, and a h**l of a lot more fun. be safe though please!

  7. Well if you just downed the vodka then of course you will be a little sick considering the fact that its your first time. Perhaps you should have slowed down. of course you werent drunk. You were probably buzzed or you probalby didn't feel anything yet.

    Next time you plan on drinking. Do eat some bread. I'll help soak up some of the alcohol.  

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