
Toddlers stabbed?

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i have just read about the 2 toddlers who were stabbed, and a 6 month baby in a serious condition// god, is that not shocking////




  1. The father has been released without charge.

    The mother is trying to play the post natal depression card.  Fkn B**ch! I had tremendous stress after my two kids were born, but there is NO WAY I'd have ever harmed them!

    She'll get an 18 months suspended sentence, anti-depressants and lots of counselling!

    The world's gone mad!

  2. Its god d**n Disgusting. They should hang the bast@rd -

    And Maya get a life, insanity my ar@e, perhaps you think the same for all the nasty bast@rds that are going around stabbing innocent kids in the last few months

    The truth is they are all just pure evil and should be hung. Rid the earth of the scum thats what i say

    Edit:  Just to answer Maya & pinball, if i decide to stab my 4 kids and plead insanity is that ok then,  Does that mean i am not a murderer. i can just say the kids drove me to it, they was doing my head in and i snapped i just didnt know what i was doing.

    if i get stressed with the kids i go and take a break from them not b!oody stab and kill them.

  3. What a sad way to kill your own children he must be sick i have two boys of my own i would not touch a hair on there head i love them dearly like a mother should he needs to be hung sorry.

  4. Shaun the sheep above

    Post natal depression is much more serious than stress! - good grief.

    It can mean serious psychosis - do you know what that means?  Complete nervous breakdown, barking mad, hearing voices sort of psychosis.

    There aren't many mothers would stab their children and baby without serious mental illness being involved.

    Tragic story.  We know nothing about it, so we can't really judge if she was mad or bad.

  5. Hanging should never have been abolished, when innocent children are murdered there is no other punishment. It angers me when some people say it is no deterrent. It certainly deters the murderer on the end of the rope.

  6. And now you should check the rest of the story...It seems the father has been realeased and will not be re-arrested, but the mother is being detained in hospital under police guard...

    And it is beyond shocking....

  7. Its a horrible thing to read or listen to on the news and the person who is found guilty of this disgusting act should be brought to death by lethal injection.

  8. no link just a moan

  9. It is awful, poor babies:(

  10. Before jumping to the death penalty as a cure all for killings, I wish people would consider that this sad and shocking event was probably a case of temporary insanity.

  11. ive read about american women microwaving their own babies so these days nothing surprises me

    humans are the most destructive creatures on earth by miles

  12. it is shocking. even more shocking is that straight away, with absolutely no knowledge of the facts everyone here is screaming for the death penalty. bring back hanging etc. maya is right. lets find out what happened before we string anyone up

  13. Yes it is shocking, and what a perfectly evil world we would live in if this kind of story no longer shocks. In cases where there is no possibility of doubt (especially for harming defenceless children) they should indeed bring back the death penalty. As for the case that there may be possible cause for an insanity clause......Bullsh! person with sudden insanity maybe but two people???? i do not know the full story only what has been reported, but my heart goes out to the surviving child and any other member of the family that was not involved x

  14. What is the world coming too, when even small children and babies aren't safe.

  15. not in today world, no

  16. This is a sad indictment of the way the world is going.

    We can only wonder at what made these parents so desparate that they had to resort to killing 2 of their children & seriously injuring the baby.

  17. a perfect example of why we need to bring back the death penalty, would anyone say the man responsible for killing them children deserves to live
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