
Tokyo Logistics Advice Needed!

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I wish to walk from (1) Tokyo Station, to (2) Higashi Gyuen (East Garden), to (3) Shinjuku Imperial Gardens, to (4) Yoyogi Park - Harijuku area.

Is this walkable or do I need to take a bus or train from one place to another. Also if you can tell me how long this may take on foot approximately. Thank you




  1. To get from the east garden to Shinjuku park you would have to walk all the way around the imperial palace (they aren't going to let you cut through-that's for sure!) just to get to Shinjuku dori, and then it would be a few miles after that. Walking between Yoyogi and Shinjuku would be more doable. Either plan to make a day of that hike, or take the train or bus.  

  2. (1) to (2)

    from Marunouchi exit of Tokyo station, to entrance of Kokyo Higashi Gyoen(not Gyuen) it takes just 15 minutes by walk. Enter through Oh-te-mon gate to 1.

    (2) to(3)

    Do you mean Shinjuku Gyoen national garden?

    There is no Shinjuku imperial gardens.

    The distance from 2 to 3 is about 5 to 6kms.You must exit Kita -Hane bashi gate out of 2.Go west on Daikan-cho doori street along with Imperial palace left side and make a left turn on Chidori-ga fuchi corner.

    Then make a right turn on Hanzo-mon crossing so that you are on Shinjuku doori blvd. Go North awhile so taht you hit JR Yotsuya station. Pass it over and go again on and on. It is almost more than point of half to 3.

    You will pass Yotsuya 1-come, 2-chome, 3-chome and 4-chome crossing in order within next 20 minutes by walk. Keep going walking to Shinjuku straight than you now will see Shinjuku Gyoen park on left side. Enter by Okido-mon gate to 3.

    If you go back to Tokyo or Ohte-machi to get Metro Marunouchi-line for Shinjuku, you will get off at Shinjuku Gyoen station within 15 minutes.

    (3) to (4)

    Exit through Sendagaya-mon gate to get out of 3. Then go south until hitting a big street which has highway on top and make a right rurn to west. pass JR Yamanote-line rails and you will be at gate of Meiji Jiongu shrine, KIta sando.

    Through the shrine out to south to Harajuku, you will soon be 4 on right side with 15 minutes.

    Without any rest and break or taking look around to and fro during the route, I think normal adult need about 2 to 3 hours on foot. It is very hot in day time of Summer to walk. Air is not so pure weekday on street.

  3. I enjoying walking around Tokyo. I've walked from Tokyo Station to Shinjiku/Shibuya a few times. It's a bit of a walk, but if the weather's nice and you're not in horrible shape, it can be quite enjoyable. Depending on how much window shopping you do along the way and how fast you walk, it shouldn't take more than 3 hours.

    Because of the Imperial Palace and all of the governmental buildings, you do have to take somewhat of a roundabout route, but it's not like you'll be walking in the middle of nowhere. There are so many interesting things to see in Tokyo. Things that you miss when you take the subway or trains. If you have the time and you enjoy walking, you should enjoy Tokyo.

    You should wear some good shoes though and probably a hat. Tokyo Station to Harujuku is not the kind of thing you normally do in a business suit, though I did do Shinjuku to Tokyo Station once (luckily it was during winter).

    Also, be aware that depending on the route you take, you will also run into a few minor hills. It's not like you'll be climbing Mt. Fuji, but they can catch you by surprise.

    Bring a map of the Metro so if you get tired along the way, you can hop on the subway if needed.

    Once I followed the Yamanote line from Tokyo Station to Shinjuku. It was quite a hike but there was all kind of cool neighborhoods along the way. And, since you're basically following the train line, it's kind of hard to get lost. It's not the most direct route but I enjoyed it. I made a day of it, but I'm not sure if you have that much time.

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