
Told that my hamster has cataracts

by  |  earlier

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I've already been on Yahoo Answer, and I am told that my hamster has cataracts.

Because, his right eye is tinted with redness, and his left eye has this transparent, ball, circle thing inside, in the middle of it (his eye).

My next question is -.-

Cataracts don't kill they...?? =(

Hamsters rely mostly on sound and smell, and they have very poor eyesight.. won't affect him, will it...? >.<

I love him very much ♥

His name is Fuzz, because he's big and fuzzy! :P

I have not abused or hit him, or such things like that >.<

I have a feeling he fell down from hanging at the top of the cage, because he loves doing the monkeybars thing, lol


Thanks if you help me out! :D And if you have before, then thanks once again if you help again, lol! :D




  1. It shouldn&#039;t bother him. I&#039;ve had a few hamsters get cataracts as they got older, and they were just as happy and healthy as the ones without them. Hamsters don&#039;t rely much on vision at all.  

  2. If it is cataracts, he will likely go blind. It should not effect his lifespan though unless he stops eating or drinking. Just make sure you don&#039;t move his food bowl or water.

  3. i am sorry but i do not under stand that.SORRY!

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