
Tomato plant help?

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My friend has gone on holiday and left me in charge of their tomatoes.Since they left all the leafs are curling. Have I over watered them? also they are very bushy plants are they supposed to be like that? One plant has gone yellow and I think it is going to die can I do anthing in the next few days or is this suppose to happen?




  1. There are different varieties of tomatoes....some plants are bushy. The plants shouldn't be yellowing, but there are a few things that could be causing that to happen.

    Try this should help you find your answers.

  2. well, they need sun, and water whenever dry.

    the yellowing might be a sign of lack of sun.

    put it in the sun and water it maybe every other night, or when it needs it.

  3. Play safe, get some new ones growing. But Toms are an annual and will start to die back when past their best.

  4. the leafs curl when there's a big variation in temperatures between day and night, doesn't affect the fruiting very much, even though it looks bad.

  5. Without knowing the variety I can't answer the "bushy" part but it does sound like a case of too much water.

    Pull of yellow leaves as they will "steal" energy from the healthy parts of the plant.  Water when soil is dry to touch.  It's not your fault so ease up on the guilt thing!  If all else fails buy your fiends a bag of tomatoes throw way the plant and tell 'em "The plant just died!  Must be from all the fruit!"  (Make sure and remove any store stickers!)

    No really.  Things happen.  It's ok.



  6. Sounds like you may have watered them in the hot sun and scalded the vines

  7. Water every night should be enough although if it is really hot I usually pour a bit over the roots - if you water in the heat it will dry the leaves out so only water the soil.  Take the yellow leaf off and throw it away.  I expect the bushiness is because the side shoots haven't been taken off.  You can see these growing at an angle to the main stem just above the leaves.  Some people like to take these off, but its not necessary if they haven't told you to.

  8. Ether go to a local nursery or go to Wal-mart and get aether a bag of powder miracle grow or the liqued form ether way should help.... i work at a nursuery
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