
Too far with my son?

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Okay I am a single mother of a 14 year old boy who I recently caught sneaking around in my room and going through my things, holding up dresses to himself in the mirror. I wasn't sure what to make of it, so I stayed calm and told him he could dress up if he wanted and I would play along. It was very awkward but things loosened up and before long he was wearing a dress and we were having fun. He even asked me to put my red lipstick on him and I did. I chuckled and said he certainly could have passed for mommy's little girl. Was I far too accomodating or was this simply harmless experimenting?




  1. um. yea.

    id consider that under the "not normal" category.

    get some help.

    good luck♥

  2. i think that it's nice. if it turns out to be just an experimental stage or whatever at least he knows that you will always support him, and if hes g*y or something he will feel more comfortable if there's a point where he wants to "come out"

  3. i'd say one occasion is a fine experiment, but if he enjoyed it, and wants to dress up more, there may be a problem. then u deal with it based on ur beliefs of homosexuality.

    answer mine?

  4. Grrr to all the people who say it's weird.. Sure it may not be 'normal', whatever that is.. but there's plenty of worse things he could be doing.. =P

    And say he is g*y or turns out to be a crossdresser or something, as long as he's happy that's all that matters right? He's not hurting anyone =)

  5. I think you should slowly confront him about it. It's hard to tell what's running through his head. You won't find out until you ask! Just be calm and very open, you're doing a good job so far on the trust level!

    Good luck!

  6. bravo, i think you did the right thing!

    a lot of parents would instantely scold a teenage son for such behavior because it is not the way they want their son to be....which we all know is ridiculous.

    if your son does have mixed feelings about sexuality that go beyond simply experimenting, i think you took the first step in supporting him no matter what.

    it's good to know that there are supportive parents out there like you !

  7. ok if he was 14 then that's way weird...i would be a little suspicious...or a lot  

  8. Maybe he's just experimenting...

  9. Sounds like he's possibly a transvestite...or flirting with the idea.

    If  that is what he enjoys, support him.Just let him be aware that there are people out there that can hurt him for this.

    Eddie Izzard, the comedian/actor is a transvestite:

    And people, if you have no clue on the subject, don't respond! Not all transvestites are g*y.

    Do you see every g*y guy walking around in dresses? didn't think so.

    Think before you reply.

  10. i have ZERO education on this sort of thing... this answer is simply my opinion. You may have gone a bit far, but in my opinion, it was the right thing to do. I believe this to be true because, all children are looking for the acceptance of their parents.

    He may be experimenting with sexuality and that is a confusing time for all adolescents. I have massive respect for single mothers*. However, the lack of a father figure often leaves what I refer to as a 'daddy hole'.... meaning a person lacks the male influence, encouragement and interaction that is important to a child's development. This often leave boys confused about how to express and develop their masculinity.

    It's not necessary to jump to any conclusions. By accepting his, what some would refer to as 'odd' behavior, you have now gained his trust. Instead of embarrassing him, you showed him you are a loving supporting mother. Hopefully now instead of hiding it from you, he may seek you out and wish to discuss issues of sexuality and whatever else. Having you, the mother, as this point of reference, is very lucky on both your part, and his. Don't let that status slip away by making assumptions about his behavior. He could just as easily find a 'role model' at school or who knows where else and go to that source for information = bad idea. Keep the door open between you two!!!!

    So yah. You showed that you would accept, not embarrass him.... so good job in my opinion!!!

    *[daddy holes are not the fault of single mothers. my parents are happily married and i ended up with a daddy hole because he was uninvolved and always at work.... it happens under all different circumstances, so, nothing to blame yourself for.]

  11. i think that your son may be a cross dresser or maybe even g*y. dont feel bad about it, dont judge him. accept him for who he is and talk to him about it. no matter what you are his mother

  12. oh please he is 14 not 6. i think he.... nevermind

  13. OMG! you might wanna see if he's attracted to men at all.

  14. people r to scrrd to say it he is fu*kn g*y and y would u do that ???  

  15. Well...what's done is done. It does seem quite odd that he wanted to do that, but hey, what you did wasn't wrong.

    If he does it again, then yeah...well. You can use your imagination to guess why a fourteen year old boy might want to dress up like a woman.

  16. theres a fine line between parenting..and being your childs friend. You crossed that line! if your girlfriend came to you and told you this..wouldnt you be shocked? a little disturbed?

    So ya kid is gonna be a cross dresser..h**l he could even be g*y! Talk to him, dont judge him..but cut the apron strings mommy dearest..the idea of helping ya kid dress up is kinda sick!  

    I truly have to wonder what YOU got out of it..did u wish thru your entire pregnancy for a girl by chance? Coz looks like after 14 years..ya might have got your wish

  17. its is odd that he is doing things like this but he is only 14 and if he is g*y sooo what? being a mother you should love him anyways  

  18. No! let him do whatever he wants, him dressing up is not hurtting anyone.........~xoxo ally*

  19. He's 14. Don't encourage this! He's gonna turn g*y if you continue doing this. Unless of course you want him to be g*y...

    Your son needs a father figure to teach him a lesson. If there is no father, just tell him yourself.

    "Honey, I don't want you to be g*y. You have to understand that."

    Or stuff like that.

  20. no

    its not super normal


    its not something to worry about

    its a bit weird though

    u should ask him about it

    maybe hes a lil sexually confused

    which is normal for 14

  21. He might be confused over his identity. He may be g*y, but since you were calm about it, if he is he won't be afraid to come out to you which is good. Maybe ask him why he felt he wanted to do this?

  22. i think that at 14 years old he is just experimenting... a little strange but that's just what they do at that age... i would not encourage it though. he might start to like it.... good luck

  23. You don't even want to hear what I have to say, so I'm gonna be a polite gentleman & keep my mouth shut!!!!!
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