
Too many gifts?

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my baby cousin turns 3 on sunday and i already got him:

2 t-shirts

2 dvds

a giant bag of mega-blocks (he LOVES blocks right now)

a spiderman frisbee

i am debating adding some smaller toys or some candy but would that be too much? i have spent about 40 bucks so far. but i keep seeing cute stuff that i just KNOW he would love. my mom said i already got him too much already and i will spoil him but would it really hurt him to get him just a little more?

i spoil him, i know, but it IS only once a year!




  1. I'd say it depends on what other family is giving gifts and what his parents are like.  Personally, if I had a cousin giving that much stuff to a child for their birthday, I would ask them very nicely to scale back.  If a cousin gives that much, certainly each set of grandparents can get that much, and any other aunts or uncles, or in our case a couple sets of great-grandparents.  Add Christmas, and that's a lot of stuff for a child to get in one year.

    Unless there's no one else giving stuff to this child and/or the parents are in a tight financial situation, my recommendation would be to return a couple of the items that you have.  I think a reasonable size present would be to give the 2 t-shirts and one of the toys.  It's not good for children to be inundated with stuff and to get used to having more than they could ever manage to play with.

    Just my 2 cents.

  2. If he already has lots of toys and stuff, it would be best to give him a "little more" in terms of money for a scholarship fund or something.  You will see cute things every day.  There is also Christmas.  I would confirm with the mom if you want, but it's awkward sometimes to answer those types of questions.

    Personally, I give away my kids toys that they stopped playing with to those less fortunate.  I know they are going to get more toys come birthday and Christmas time.  Let other children enjoy that abundance too.

    Definitely forget the candy.  Are you looking to start him on bad habits already?  He'll have plenty of junk food at his party I'm sure.

  3. I'd give him the blocks and the t-shirts and hold the others for later. Especially the Frisbee. He starts throwing that thing around the house his parents won't be very happy.

  4. As long as you're only doing this once a year then I don't see a problem!! Children should only have great memories from their birthdays and you're helping him make some!! Nothing wrong with that!

  5. I think if you can afford it, go for it. It's not like you give him gifts everyday. Right?

    Anyways, you only spent $40 so far. That's really not that much.

  6. At 3, kids can easily get overwhelmed from too much stuff.  The more stuff they get, the less likely they are to really pay any attention to any of it.  

    Stop where you are.  I'd also consider holding the frisbee in reserve for a year, because I've never met a just-turned-3-year-old who could throw or catch one.

    What 3-year-olds appreciate more than any present is a person to play with, so if you can donate some of your time, that will be even more welcome than anything you can buy.

  7. Why not give him the mega blocks and maybe the two t-shirts now and wait to give him the others later in the year.  

    You can surprise him with a "prize" when he least expects it.  If he is potty training, give him a "prize" for not wetting the bed after a nap or a night.  

    If you see things that he may like and have the means to purchase them, I see no reason not too.  But I would save them for Christmas or a just because gift.  

    And think about the candy situation.  If you sugar him up and send him back to his parents, who do you think will be Mom and Dads least favorite person?

    You say it's only once a year, but what do you do for Christmas?

  8. I wud speak 2 his mum and she wot she says b/c she is the only 1 tht will b pissed off if she thinks it's 2 many obv ur little cousin wnt tho!

  9. If he is having a big party I would stop shopping now. Three year olds get overwhelmed with gifts and get MAD that they have to open so many. I think you got him enough.
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