
Too much pasta??????

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is eating too much pasta bad for u ? i eat it about 5 days a week is that too much? and what is pasta good for?




  1. If you don't exercise it can be a very bad thing for you. lol

    Personally i eat pasta almost everyday. (:

  2. dang- that does sound like a lot!! pasta just gives u energy cause it a carb. so i think u over loaded on the carbs in the past few days. u should excersise  

  3. pasta is not bad even you eat them everyday. it is high source of carbohydrates.Your body needs carbo everyday.

  4. Personally I find pasta and any other refined grain to be terrible for the body! I would severely cut back on your consumption for you are slowly but surely adding pounds to your body and killing yourself.  

  5. if you dont burn it off then yeah cus youll get fat. whole grains best for you.

  6. if you don't eat it in massive quantities it should be ok... italians eat a lot of pasta, so there shouldn't be a problem. pasta is healthy...
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