
Too much tv for a child?

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my sis and nephew live with me, my 8 yr old nephew is addicted to tv and video games, and spend about 8 hours a day watching tv and games. his father's is not around and his mother has always been more like a friend and unable to redirect him. i am contemplating using money as an incentive to get him interested in school work. Is this a good idea. Anyone had a similar experience with children? Your thoughts and ideas will be greatly appreciated.




  1. 8 hrs is too much electronics for anyone...  if you lcan - leave a comic book and a few regular books in different genres around the living room or near his video game console.  Any chance someone would bring him to the library, that will spark an interest, even if its video game related reading.

    bribing isn't great, think of it on the level of a reward or allowance when he turns off the tv and turns on his mind.  Reward him $1 for each book he reads and discusses with you at dinner.  by the end of the week, that's 7 books and $7 (sponge bob, captain underpants and walter the farting dog are all good titles, quick reads and fun for that age).

    My sons would play video games all day, but we limit them to 1 hr screen time, and some days they don't use the time, so on rainy days we let them go over the limit.  

  2. it is all wrong.first maybe you could think how to occupy the child so he will not be spending so much time watching tv. giving him money is the worst thing you can do.none in the future is going to pay him for the things he is obligated to do.

  3. Sorry, but money isn't a good idea - especially since it's not your child, and not your problem.  

  4. first, i would talk to your sister. tell her that you're concerned that he's watching 8 hours a day.  children his age shouldn't be watching more than 2-3 hours a day.  talk to him about other things such as reading, listening to music, playing with friends, playing with toys, or playing some kinds of sport.  talk to her and say that you'll help pay for a sport. it can be martial arts- which helps many kids get away from the screen and hlep them build physical and social strenght.  or look around town for soccer, baseball, football, basketball, swimming, tennis, lacross, running, or even fencing.   since the olympics are on, look at the what sports are on and have him try some sports before he finds one he likes. but make him stay for at least 1 month of practice to get him into the sport.

  5. Don't ever use won't work. Second off, try to find something else to occupy him, find out what else he likes to do, maybe throw a football or baseball around a little... listen to some music,  play board games, read a book to him, you need to help him get interested in other things! Good luck!

  6. what i did i got my kid brain age and other smart video games and he totally fell for it!!!

  7. The parents need to deal with this. He could earn tv and video time, buy reading, sports, exercising, playing with his toys, etc. We teach our son everything in balance or moderation. Not too much of one thing, but doing lots of things. He loves his video games but he also knows he has to do other things too! We let him decide but if we see it is too much video games we remind him and tell him that if he can balance his life, we will!  

  8. If they live with you turn OFF the television and unplug the game system.  Using money to bribe children to do their school work isn't a good idea, they come to expect it.  What are you going to do when they get into college are you going to continue to bribe them to do their work then?  

  9. Get him involved with sports, not only is exercise healthy, he'll make friends and he'll grow out of the kid shows. My parents did that with me and I came out just fine!!

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