
Too old to pledge?

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I am 25 years old. For a long time now, I've wanted to be apart of a greek organization. I'm not your traditional aged college student because I waited to start college. Is 25 or 26 too old to pledge undergrad?




  1. Have you considered a service sorority like Gamma Sima Sigma?  That would give you sorority participation and "Greekness" without some of the social pressure and could give you good post college connections too.    

    You might also make an appointment to talk with the Greek chairperson or rush chairperson at your college.

  2. As long as you don't graduate,you can. But allow me to ask if it's worth it now that you're almost done with college. Think about it. It does not pay out to be in a frat like it did back in the day.

  3. I think the question is what you want out of it...I pledged a service fraternity while in my senior year of college at the age of 22.  I was older than all of my LB's and a lot of the people that pledged me.  But when it was all said and done we were family.  

    The most frustrating thing that you will have to possibly deal with is the immaturity of your younger LB's or LS's but at the end of the day it makes for a more interesting pledge process.

    I say go for what you want, you only live once and you don't want to regret not doing it later.  The undergrad experience will soon be a distant memory and you should do all that you can to make sure they are lasting ones.

    I hope this helps!
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