I have a tooth that needs extracting. For those who are familiar with dentistry - it is tooth #31. For those like myself who are not familiar with dentistry - it the tooth right in front of my right molar way in the back of my mouth.
I have had teeth pulled before but for some reason I am being a baby about this one. Maybe cause I have a baby girl due this week! I don't know. I'm just nervous because due to insurance I have to have this pulled by a different dentist than I am used to. I met him and he seems nice enough, but still, ya know. I don't know. Has anyone had that tooth pulled or one around that area? My former dentist suggested an oral surgeon at first but how the h**l can I afford that with this economy and a baby on the way!
I know it won't be as much pain as my wife has to go through. Believe me, she's already told me many times. :)