
Top finance jobs?

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I'm considering working in the finance sector, but would like to find out a couple of things.

1. What are the highest paying jobs in a bank?

2. Is finance still the highest paying sector? or is it something else with all the recent issues?

thank you very much




  1. 1. in an investment bank (ie. JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch), a trader is one of the highest paid - mostly higher than brokers or the CEO. in a regional bank (ie. Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo), the CEO is the highest paid.

    2. finance is one of the highest paying sectors. i don't think there's any one sector w/c is the "highest paying" because it depends on what you do in that particular industry. you could work for mcdonald's and move up to become a national vice-president which is obviously a higher paying job than any junior analyst in wall street. however, you could be the CEO of Microsoft but still get paid less than a star trader at one of Goldman Sachs' hedge funds.

    IMHO, a rewarding career is all about "how well you do what you do", and not "where you work".

    hope this helps. good luck.

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