
Top universities of europe?

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Top universities of europe?




  1. Cambridge - number 1 in Europe,

    as well as Oxford.

    There is also a Swiss one as well

    but I can't seem to remember.

  2. Cambridge and Oxford are the obvious ones Ecole Normale Supérieure and Ecole Polytechnique in France

  3. In my personal view following should be the ranking for universities in Europe:

    1. Oxford, uk

    2. cambridge, uk

    3. LSE, uk

    4. Insead, france

    5. Univ of lusane, switzerland

    6. univ of copenhagen, denmark

    7. erasmus, netherland

    8. univ of bologna, itlay

    9. warwick, uk

    10. univ of amsterdam, netherland

    11. univ of sweden, sweden

    12. univ of helsinki, finland

    13. univ of toulese, france

    14. univ of york, uk

    and many many the way univ ranking in great depended on subject to subject as well as level of education.

    best of luck

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