
Topless day is approaching and...?

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...would you consider participating? I think it would still be illegal but some movements are trying to make august 23d (this saturday) a day of equality where men and women can go shirtless without a problem.

According to "National Go Topless Day", women should have the same "equality" as men do, and since men are able to take off their shirts then women should too.

What do you think? Is it just stupid or is this a legitimate plea?




  1. These laws are arbitrary and capricious.  I say end this discrimination!   Equality for ALL !!!!

  2. The theory behind it is great. I have no prob with the idea.

    However it is ilegal...

  3. i would so go topless and love it ^_^

    but that's because im into things like that haha

    i would do it even if it wasnt a day

    i would do it everyday if i could lol :D

    but im only 16 so :P

  4. I'm sure lots of men would love to pass a law where all women could go around topless all the time. I would not participate. My husband is the only guy that gets to look at my boobies.

  5. If they want equality this is a must do.  

  6. As I'm writing this, it IS August 23rd, and I'm topless, so sure, I'll participate in your holiday! Hooray for boobies!

  7. No it should be national put your friggin shirt back on day!  After all if I see one more 60 year old man with saggy b***s walking around with his shirt tucked in his back pocket I am so going to puke.  The last thing you need to add is his wife doing it to.  Lets not encourage everyone to go topless because a few men want to see boobies out side the bar and without paying for it.  After all how would all the topless dancers get money to feed their kids?

  8. Just tell me where in San Diego to appear and I will lend my support by going bottomless.

    Let's go for broke!

  9. It's just an excuse to see some mams. I can guarantee that the women who will actively participate in this charade will be a minority.

  10. I wish canada had a nationa go topless day. There are some ladies that I would love to see topless.

  11. I think it's legitimate in the battle for women and men to have equality across the board.  Of course nowadays, it's going to be sexualized and men will go to look.  But if you give thirty years of women being topless in public, the next generation won't take it so seriously.

    Look at alcohol.  If we lower the drinking age and make drinking socially acceptable for kids, it won't be a HUGE deal when they finally turn 21.  There would be fewer alcohol-related fatalities and injuries in college from binging.  Alcoholism might even go down.

  12. the feminists are really gonna get a kick out of this

  13. (o)(o)

  14. Two words: sunburned nipples. No thanks!

  15. Please, men don't care about a woman's comfort. They'd only support it so they can see some b*****s.  

  16. LOL, would I participate?  And have strange men stare with their eyes popping out of their sockets........Heck NO!  I can honestly say that very few women who will actively participate and most of them that do, will be the pathetically lonely ones.  =P

  17. i agree with Married for Life - my husband is the only man/person to have the honor of seeing my boobies

    i'd also rather not have any pervs around me

  18. there are legitimate naturalist/nudist camps for topless days.

    Whoever said women should be equal to men in all ways is crazy!!

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