
Tortoise and boxer dog

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Ok, so my family is interested in getting a Tortoise as a pet, but we also have a boxer dog who has the typical boxer personality (i.e. energetic, playful, determined) and if we keep the Tortoise in the backyard, we are afraid it might be disturbed by the dog. So i was wondering if anyone out there has a dog and a pet Tortoise and if the dog bothers it or got used to it after a couple of days. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




  1. you can advise your parents and change their plan or give your boxer to your nearby relatives.

  2. well i own four turtles but there really small we keep them in  a little aquarium container with yellow sand, my dog a pitbull is like this to she found the one turtle i kept because she had it in her mouth, it would help you if you got a little section of the yard and made a wall or something so the tortoise can't get out because my dog loves to play with the turtles outside that we have that go by just doing there business but she's to rough she never killed a turtle but i never let her near mine i suggest try your turtle out with your dog if your dog gets to playful that's a sign that you can't have them to around so just make a cage for the tortoise outside or inside ( i keep mine inside since there small) i feed them lettuce, leafs outside they eat any vegetable surprisingly but try them out as play pals if your dog gets to playful, then i suggest not having them together create a cage or little pin for the turtle inside i prefur.

    Hope you have a great time with the turtle i do with mine. I hope i helped.

  3. To a dog, a tortoise is a self-propelled chew toy. Almost every person with both has a story to tell about the dog chewing on the tortoise during a moment of inattention.

  4. well i dont have one..but a better idea is not to get one...i have a beagle...typical hunting dog...well she almost crush my cat trying to play know!
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