
Tournament Deck Question?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering, if I enter a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament, would i be only allowed to play 1 deck? Or could i switch decks after dueling 1 person. Or are you only registered one deck. This is my first time going to a regionals and I was wondering about this. In case I would be able to switch decks to counter my oppenent better if I were to see him dueling somebody else before, as an advantage




  1. no you register one deck and play that deck the entire tourney no switchin and you are allowed a 15 card side deck that can only be used after the first round of each match

    hope it helps

  2. you could do that - as some regionals only take decklists when its a qualifier or something bigger than normal. But that would be cheatinng - i dont reccomend it - unless u are so c**p that u cannot win a single duel without doing it. but then it still wouldn't be worth it cos winning by cheating feels c**p. well at least for me it does. But good question though i guess. :-)

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