
Track-400 M/Shot put?

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1) im doing 400 M tomorrow and i need some tips on how i can win, and how i can stay focoused.

2) shotput! Well, i didnt want to do it,but i have to. Any tips?

thank you.

PS:yeah,this is my first time doing track,and first time doing track.




  1. try your best.

    dont feel intimidated.

    have fun.

    if you wanna win the 400 you have to run it with speed once around (quarter of a mile)

    when you start you'll immediately see everyone's pace

    make sure you stay somewhere with them but dont constantly try to stay with the first person if you cant

    shotput...make sure to hold it firmly and to bend your knees before you throw..release and straighten out as you throw

    the better your form...usually means the better your throw


  2. the 400 M is just one time around the track but if u want to win u have 2 run the whole thing hard

    shot pot, hold it close to ur neck and let it rest on ur thumb and pinkey NOT in the palm of ur hand u get berrer distance that way, bend ur legs when u throw, and be sure u enter and exet through the back of the circle or else it will be a scratch and ur throw wont count!!!!!

  3. As far as the 400m goes:

       -sprint the first 100/200m, but not until you're worn out

       -relax a little bit on the curve

       -find strength to sprint the last 100/200m

                                          GOOD LUCK!

  4. well for 400 hundred is not a pace race really you have to run not jog not sprint run so go about 70 percent throughout the race.Then 100 percent on the last 100m take it reallt hard.If theres anyone ahead of you run faster then them.And shotput use all loegs and a loud grunt
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