
Track And Field ?!?

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Hi next year i'm going to be going to high school and I want to

join the track team, how many people get on the track team in highschool ? Ive been in cross country,

8 times and track 3 times ive also been on the floor hockey team once the basket ball team 3 times volley ball team once

and I think thats all but those were the teams I was on in elementary school, my coaches would say i'm really good !

I LOVE RUNNING ! Do you think I would have a good chance ?

How many people make the track team in highschool ?

Is there a specific time you HAVE to be at to make the team ?




  1. Don't worry!  Every track team i know of is walk-on, meaning if you join, you're on the team.  There are no try-outs.  However, some teams allow coaches to cut runners who aren't there ever, or don't put in effort, though the coaches rarely exercise this power.  As long as you try hard, even if you aren't the fastest on the team, you should be fine


  2. im not sure about in highschool, but in eighth grade they let everyone who tries out be on the team! good luck and i hope you make it! you probably have a good chance!

  3. from my knowledge and experience everyone who wants to run is on the track team, no one gets cut. all you need to concentrate on is working hard, running fast, constantly improving, and most importantly having fun.

  4. you're fine  track teams rarely make cuts

  5. at my school no one gets cut because they want as many kids as possible to be on it, we have a huge team, but theres not really anyone who is horrible. youre gonna do well because of doing xc and track before. varsity times vary school to school, but don't worry about it, just show up in shape

  6. You will be fine. Typically, track teams want as many people as they can get,- the more people the more points they can possibly get. I've never heard of a school that wants a specific time, but you should be able to run a mile without stopping. And if you're good as a freshman they'll love you! (It also depends on how big your high school is.)
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