
Training for a 10 mile run.?

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First of all, my goal is to complete a 10 mile run in August which is 2 months away. I've been doing 30 miles a week with a 6 mile long run and an 8 mile long day run. I'm going to stay on 30 miles per week for 2 more weeks so I can easily complete the 8 mile long day run without stopping. BTW: I've been running at least 4 miles the other days of the week. Then I'm increasing to 40 miles a week which consists of an 8 mile long run and a 9 mile long day. Is this a good way to train for a 10 mile run? I'm just looking to finish it since it's my first one. If you have some extra advice please share. Thanks!!




  1. you are doing pretty good i guess the only advice is to sleep early, eat healthy, and keep on going!

  2. Matt, I don't see anything wrong with what you're doing now, so as long as you're comfortable and it works, don't try to fix what ain't broke.  But having run for many years, let me just toss out some simple things I've "learned"/"heard" that seem to bear true.  

    1.  First, on any given day, you can comfortably complete 3 times your average daily miles.  So you're already in the zone to make for a happy 10-miler.

    2.  Another rule of thumb is that you should use the 30-20-10 formula for your weekly running.  30% of your total weekly mileage 1 day, 20% 2 days, 10% 3 days, rest 1 day.  Thus, by this formula you would run 1 long 9-miler, 2 6-milers, and 3 3-mile runs per week.

    3.  Finally, hydrate well, always run in the shade, and be sure to get lots of rest the day before the day before a race.  This is not stuttering.  The night's sleep you get on Thursday night will affect your run on Saturday more so than Friday night's sleep.

    Good Luck

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