
Transgender therapist credentials?

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I need to find out the credentials required for a therapist to officially diagnose some one who is transsexual in Illinois like do they need to be a psychologist/psychiatrist/social worker? or do they need to take special classes to get certified? also if they are a psychologist and they have been helping somone with the transgender issue and they know that the person is transgender they fit the criteria they did the part time living thing can they ask someone who is a psychologist to sign the paper for SRS (if they pay)? thank you




  1. Keli has some great advice, but any therapist for sure will have to at least have some professional certification involving some background in psychology, psychiatry, etc.  They should have a specialty in transgender issues.  A great place to get started in finding a good therapist is with a local transgender support group.  Most facilitators and many attendees are well connected with such professionals.  FYI, to be signed off for SRS, you must be diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder and have lived FULL TIME as the opposite s*x for at least a year.  SRS is irreversible and only intended for true transsexuals.

  2. My official evaluation was done by a woman with a whackload of degrees, diplomas, certificates, and years of experience in GLBT issues.

    But really, she didn't tell me anything I didn't already know about myself.

    The formality of getting your sign off for SRS is dependent on where you are. Any doctor can sign off on it really. My family doctor is the one whom I get all my references to the specialists from. Her background isn't psych or endo or GLBT, it's delivering babies.

    So really, there is no consistent credential in my experience.  

  3. Keli, as usual, has a great answer.

    If you haven't already download a copy of the Standards of Care (SOC) here:

    Read them through carefully.  It gives the requirements for a the people who write your letters of recommendations.

    If you're MtF the following sites are great sources of information:

  4. One must be have a PhD, M.D. or some kind of MA degree and licenese involving counselling, such as MFCC or LCSW.

    It is also highly preferred that the individual is a member of the WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health, formerly known as the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association).

    You state you did the part time living thing. One of the requirements is that you live "full time" in the opposite s*x for a minimum of one year.

    Also, you use the term transgender. Transsexual is the correct term in referring to someone who has a long and persistant desire to change their s*x. Transgender is an umbrella term covering those who have a crossgender identification, but does not necessarily want to change their s*x.

    Based on the information you are posting (assuming you are asking for yourself), it appears you need to understand more about who you are and where you fall on the gender spectrum. I would suggest futher counselling with a qualified therapist(s).

    Look under WPATH and they should be able to direct you.

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