
Transitioning into boxing?

by Guest60184  |  earlier

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I have 10 years of Tae Kwon Do training. My gym recently opened up a boxing facility. I've wanted to learn about boxing, now that I have the facility this is a great chance. Only they just basically have the bags; they don't offer training. It's really just intended for cardio and to fill up part of the aerobics room in the basement. But they do have a nice selection of equipment including heavy bags ranging from 30 lb. bags up to 150 lbs., free hanging as well as those stationed from the ground, speed bags and striking bags. I have the martial arts strikes down. But I would like to learn the boxing style of fighting. Does anyone have training suggestions or some good resources (books, videos, ect.) that they could recommend? I'm not in an area that offers boxing training so I don't have access to a trainer. That's what you get for living in the sticks! I'd have to basically train myself. Thanks for the help!




  1. you need a trainer to do this. go to and find a gym near you.

    some things to work on in the mean time... start practicing punching a lot more. do each of the following for 3 min then rest for 1 min before going on to the next one...

    1.left jab

    2.right jab

    3.left cross

    4.right cross

    5.left jab, right cross

    6.right jab, left cross

    7.right jab, left cross, right jab

    8.left jab, right cross, left jab

    9.left hook

    10.right hook

    11.left jab right hook

    12.right jab, left hook

    13.left jab, right cross, left hook

    14.right jab. left cross, right hook

    15. left upper-cut

    16.right upper-cut

    17.left jab, right upper-cut

    18.right jab, left upper cut

    19.left lab, right cross, left upper-cut

    20.right jab, left cross, right upper-cut

    21. left hook, right hook, left hook

    22.right, hook, left hook, right hook

    23. left hook, right upper-cut, left hook

    24.right hook, left upper-cut, right hook

    and continue to build on other combinations

  2. from the lack of replies you can see the fact is it is very tough to learn boxing without a coach or sparring.

    basically nothing you learn on a bag even with a coach, will work without application during proper boxing sparring.

    So you actually need two things. A coach and a sparring partner.

    I'd suggest if you were really keen ask around and see who might teach you. Maybe there is a cop who did a little in the academy or some old ex army guy who used to do it? Put an ad in the paper and offer to mow lawns or something if you are a kid, or pay them to train you.

    And then see who else wants to come along.

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