
Translate medical document from spanish?

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Can someone translate the following into english, please? I tried online translators like google and babel fish but it is not very accurate at translating medical terms. If you can help, just post or email me your translation. Thanks. Here it goes...

- Protrusion discal L5-S1 central sin compromiso radicular

- Protrusion discal con comportamiento paracentral hacia la izquierda a nivel L4-L5 que compromete el receso lateral y comprime la raiz nerviosa emergente

- Sinovitis faceteria L3-L4, L4-L5 y L5-S1




  1. Disk protrusion Lumbar 5-Sciatic 1, center, no herniation

    Disk protrusion with paracentral activity toward the left at level Lumbar 4 - Lumbar that compromises lateral (sideways) retraction and impinges the emerging nerve root.


  2. - L5-S1 central disc protrusion without radicular commitment.

    - Disc protrusion with paracentral behaviour to the left in the level L4-L5 which compromises the lateral recess and compromises de emerging nervous root.

    - L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1 facet synovitis.

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