
Transverse baby to be induced?

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I am 39 weeks, my son is Transverse and i previously had two external versions fail. My mw and the group of mws and doctors decided that inducing me when my cervix was more ripe ( only 1 cm ) and try to turn him again. I haven't found anyone who has had this procedure done and i cant find anything supporting this over a c-section. I would prefer neither but obviously cant get around it. Any advise help or knowledge on this i would appreciate as this is my first and i am very scared and confused by all of this




  1. My youngest son was in breech presentation and my ObGyn suggested external version... she was actually a bit pushy about it, she really preferred trying but I refused.

    I felt that there must be a reason why my son did not or could not turn and I did not want to risk injuring him.

    I had a scheduled c-section and it turned out, it was a very wise choice. My son was tangled up in his umbilical cord so badly that if they tried to turn him via the external version, it likely would have killed him. After the c-section, my doctor told me, that she has never been happier that I decided to go against her advice.

    I only know 2 moms who actually tried the external version, they told me that it was very uncomfortable and it did not work for them. They both ended up having c-sections.

    I think there are many issues to consider :

    - being induced and trying the external version while you are in labor, do you really want the extra trauma? When you are induced, the your labor pain is more intense to begin with, imagine adding to it with the external version...pushing and shoving your abdomen trying to turn the baby from the outside.

    - are you willing to risk injury to your baby... what if he is tangled in the cord, what if the placenta is in his way etc. I like to think that if a baby doesn't turn, he probably has a reason, especially if you already had previous, normal deliveries.

    - if the external version doesn't work, you might end up with an emergency c-section - which is of course much riskier than a scheduled one.

    I understand the benefits of the vaginal birth, (had 2 of those as well), but when the baby is in breech presentation, I would definitely go with the scheduled c-section.

    Best of luck!

    PS: Congratulation Ron! You are the first pregnant man I know of, other than Arnold Schwarzenegger in a movie :)

  2. Transverse means it's turned sideways.  They are nearly impossible to birth vaginally as is and must be turned.  If they cannot be turned by the time you are in labor, they may have to do a C-section.  Don't worry, you are in good hands.

    Don't rush for that C-section yet.  Things may change.  Personally (and I have never had children)  I'd wait until I was in labor and if the baby still did not turn then I would consent.  

    There are many worse things a mom could hear than their baby is in the wrong position.

  3. My personal recommendation is to wait until your first natural contractions start and then turn the baby.  If you are induced, your contractions will be harder and more difficult than your natural ones.  Your baby still may turn on it's own before labor starts.  

    It can be easier to turn the baby with a contraction because your body is trying to do the same, therefore the contraction is working with the MW or DR.  Fear is your worst enemy.  This may sounds crazy, but I have heard of several stories of babies turning after they have been verbally told to turn.  

    Best of luck to you!  Before you know it, you will have it in your arms :-) All babies find a way out :-)

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