
Travel Itienary for B2 Visa?

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I am travelling with my children to the US for 4mths on a B2 Tourist Visa. I am divorced and have the fathers legal consent for the kids to travel. ( the letter of consent was prepared and registered in family court). During my visit I also will be inquiring into colleges to study possibily next year. I have my own properties and finances to show that I can take care of my children during the visit. If I provide a travel itienary for our visit would that be enough documentation? I have strong intentions to come back home as all my family live here and financial and also am Sole Guardian for my sick uncle whom is in a aged care home. I am just taking a break to spend with my kids and get away from all this years stresses. Also I made a typo and typed 12mths instead of 12wks but cannot change the form. What do I do There? I did contact the consular and they said to explain it during the interview. Also do my children need to attend the interview as well? They are under 14yrs. Thanks.




  1. While children under 14 do not need to give fingerprints for their visa applications, depending on the country they might be required to come to the interview.  Call and ask.

    As for your reasons for travel and your itinerary, no responsible person will be able to give you an answer as to whether or not you will qualify for visas absent a personal interview.  Certainly you will need to explain how you will be able to take your children out of school for four months.

  2. To answer the question about the children:

    The requirement for personal appearance for nonimmigrant visa applicants can in general be waived by a consular officer only for a person who the consular officer concludes presents no national security concerns requiring an interview and who:  Is a child 16 years of age or under.

    There are others in the list, but not applicable to your circumstances.

  3. I think they will question you about your children.

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