
Travel between cities in Provence?

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I will be going to Nice in March, and I would like to venture out to some other cities in Provence. Most of them look to be in reasonable driving distance from Nice. I am hesitant to rent a car, so are busses and trains widely available and reliable? I am thinking of doing day trips to cities like Marseilles, Nimes, Aix-en-Provence. Are they expensive?




  1. Buses and trains are fine for the large towns but you are better with a car if you want to visit the more interesting small villages in the area

  2. Hi to answer to your question I can tell you that it is possible to take the train for your travel. However I advise you to rent a car. Because it is easier to move and there are no timing problem. I think the train is cheaper (except TGV). But if you want to move quickly it is better to rent a car.

    Good travel in my beautiful country. Nimes is very fabulous with "La maison carrée", "Les arènes", "Le jardin de la fontaine et la tour magne"... and near Nîmes "Le pont du gard".


  3. Well it depends on the city you're going to.

    For Cannes, Antibes, Menton, Monaco => Use the train

    For Marseilles the train takes 2h30 and it's only a 2hr drive by car (but 30€ for the highway roundtrip).

    For Aix it's really convenient to get there using the A8 highway (30€ round trip as well) because using the train you'd have to change at Marseilles station and it takes too much time.

    For Nîmes you will need more than 3 hours and I'd recommend the car again.

    Don't miss Avignon (closer than Nîmes).

    Forget about the bus for all destinations...

    Have fun there !

  4. The trains are well recommended.  You can buy a train PASS which will cover all travel in that area for x amount of time.

  5. Hello, I'm french from aix en Provence. I advise you to travel in train and buses if you are travel alone. Safe, convenient, you can watch the country side and met people... Nice is propably the most expensive citie of your trip, it is the capital of the famous Cote d'Azur where everybody want to be... so it is pricy !

    You could visit Avignon and his Chateau des Papes.... and why not try to stay on littles villages of provence, where you can see the life of everyday and enjoy "pastis and tapenade" at the terasse  of the "cafe du village"....

    Have a good trip.

  6. For living in France i can say that you have choose some nice cities Marseille mite be the only one who is the more "expensive" you can go to Toulouse its a wonderful cities if you can go there!! Tours is not so bad too it's near Paris at 3 hours of there its very cute!! i think that it's better to rent a car!! if you have any question you can ask me i will try to answer as better as i can!! :D

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