
Travel for visitation for holiday weekend?

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My husband and I have full custody of his 3 children. Their bio mom gets them on the 2nd and 4th weekend of each month. When she last tried to regain custody, I took a lot of time writing up an agreement that would keep the kids in my husband's sole custody. Bio mom agreed with only a few revision requests: 1) She lives 4 hours away so she asked that we help her with travel. We agreed and on the 2nd and 4th Friday's I drive 2 hours to meet her for her weekend visit. I pick up them up 2 hours away every 2nd and 4th Sunday. She also requested that if the kids got a 3 day weekend SHE wanted to be able to have them for the extra day, be it Friday or Monday. My husband agreed, but due to our work schedules, we insisted that on those 3 day weekends, she would be required for 100% of the travel. The last three times the kids have had a 3 day weekend she has declined to take that extra day and we have kept it at the usual 2 days and meeting for pick ups/drop offs. But the papers say that IF there is an extra holiday from school on the mother's visitation weekend the mother IS to have the extra day with the kids. She will also be responsible for 100% of travel expenses. A three day weekend is coming up NEXT week...and my guess she is going to decline the extra day. We don't argue with her and we are all civil...but legally, if my husband chooses, can he inform her that she WILL do all traveling for these long weekends?




  1. That was the agreement. So yes she should have to come the full distance to get the kids.

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