
Travel to Russia currency?

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Ok I am going to Siberia southern part of it for a week anyone been there or near that region, I would like a general idea of how much in USD would be good to take for 1 week I am thinking of taking about 800 USD since the rate at the time of this message was $1 = $23 roubles I already have my apartment rent paid for. Only looking for cost wise like taking my russian g/f out for dinner and nice places to visit.




  1. $800??? Holy smokes! If you find a way to spend $800 in only one week in southern Siberia, then kudos to you. I could make $800 last me about 3 months there. Unless you plan on buying your girl a mink coat, you should be way more than covered with $800 for one week. You might think to take less, that way your girlfriend doesn't guilt you into buying her some Prada shoes or something along those lines.

    A little more seriously, $800 should be fine as long as the week will be spent entirely in southern Siberia. If you start travelling around, or especially if you head up to Moscow or St. Petersburg, then you'll blow through the money much quicker.  I'd ballpark about $10 per entrance to any give museum or site you might visit.  A nice, filling meal for two I'd say around $25 total. Note, traditionally lunch is the main meal of the day, not dinner. What you'll probably spend the most money on is gifts for your girl. Clothes and shoes are generally much more expensive in Russia than the U.S., so you can end up flying through cash if you start buying clothes for her. Have fun!

  2. $800 sounds about right. You don't want to bring too little just in case something happens, but not too much either.

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