
Traveling to Italy - a few questions?

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1. We are going in November. What weather can we expect? (We live in Alaska, so cold won't scare us off.)

2. What sights should we be sure to not miss?

3. What foods MUST we try?

4. Anyone recommend synagogues we should get to? We'll be there for 3 weeks, and would like to go to some services.

Thanks all!




  1. Shalom

    try this site all you need to know

  2. 1. It's not so cold in November in Italy... especially in the first days. I usually wear a sweater and a light jacket on... But in the last days it will get colder

    2. I think Rome is the most beautiful city (you should visit it for, at least, 6-7 days), then Florence (3-4 days) and my beloved Venice (3-4 days)... this is the must! Other places I like are: San Gimignano (near Florence, 1 day), Siena (near Florence, 1-2 days), Verona ( 1-2 days), Genova and Cinque Terre ( don't miss the wonderful aquarium - sorry only in Italian I think -  4-5 days) and Sicily!

    3. Pizza (it's completely different from the one you can eat outside Italy, and it's different if you eat it in Rome, Venice or Naples... but in Naples you can eat the original pizza, the best in the world), then: pastasciutta (I love "pasta con il pesto" that you can eat in Genova, or "amatriciana" in Rome, or "spaghetti allo scoglio" in all the cities near the sea), coffee (our wonderful espresso... please don't ask for American coffee like many tourists do, everyone in Italy can do it as well but it's so sad to go to another country and don't try the food), focaccia and farinata (in Genova), then ask for typical cheese and wines... They are all great!

    4. I visited many synagogues in Venice and in Rome

    Hope my answer can help you and sorry for my bad English...

  3. ciao! i'm italian (from Bergamo, near Milan)

    1: if you are from alaska, you will have no problem. the weather is cold in my zone, but in the south of italy is a little warmer.

    2: venice, florence, rome are very great, but in italy all little village have a lot of place of historical and art interest. the important is go and see.

    bergamo, my town is very pretty, expecially the bergamo alta, the upper zone of the town. it isn't busy, if you want to relax one day it's a good place!

    3: surely pizza, but try also the specialities of the zone you visit. pasta, ravioli, spaghetti. if you go to florence try the famous tagliata, it's very good. in venice try the spaghetti con le vongole. if you come in bergamo we have a tipical plate: coniglio e polenta (bunny with porridge of mais) and we eat it in sunday. try also the ice cream.

    4: for the sinagouges try google earth. it's very good

    enjoy your stay in italy, and if you come in bergamo let me see, and i will guide you in the town!

    a presto!

  4. When i went I loved visiting Capri.  it was just a day trip but SOOO worth it.  Pompeii is pretty cool to and is right near Capri.

    For sights you have to wander around Rome for a few days, get the ROMApass and it will be so much easier

    make sure you try gelato... I swear it is the best ice cream on earth.  It was all I ate while I was there

    BTW I was in rome for 6 days and found it a little long.  i wouldn't suggest more then 4 days

  5. No it won't be that cold especially not for you! coming from Alaska!!

    In Rome you have to see the church of bones in one knows about it!, the Patheon.

    Then you have Orvietto not far from Rome!

    Also Ancona is very nice!

    Siena! Tivoli? Lots to see

  6. In Italy in novermber is not cold... All right what people had said... but i think u must try "pasta alla carbonara" and "pasticcio alla bolognese"   :P

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