
Traveling to brazil?

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my 73-year-old great uncle invited me to visit him in brazil next summer (or possibly sooner), and i was wondering what i might need to know about the culture there, and things like that...

also, any suggestions on methods to learn the language? (i.e. a book, a dictionary, a CD/tape, etc.)




  1. A good guide to accommodation

    Good luck, oh and buy the lonely planet.

  2. Hi Alyssa,

    In the Brazilian culture people and relationships are very important you will find that people are very friendly and its a great country to visit! Also the music is the best in the world! This is the perfect way to pick up the languge too- don't use a book, you will read the words as they sound in English and no one will understand you. Learn by listening and repeating like a baby would learn. If you learn this way Brazilians won't even hear an accent when you speak Portugues - they'll think you're Brazilian! After I could speak I learned to read and you will see how things are spelled very differently and if you had read first how that would have screwed you up! Go to the library and get some Bossa Nova and MPB music, some good ones are Antonio Carlos Jobim (Tom Jobim) Djavan, Ivan Lins. Also check out some Samba, like Martinho DaVila. See if you can find Ivete Sangalo too she is from Bahia and covers a lot of styles. If you like rock or hip-hop or rap they have all those styles with Brazilian influnce too.

    You can also find all this music on line and listen to clips for free. A good site is

    Then use google translate

    to translate the words to English. You can find any Brazilian lyrics on terra too, click on letras (lyrics in Portugues is letras)

    They even have a plugin for windows media player that shows the lyrics with the music:

    Another great way to learn is by watching movies. If you have a region free dvd player you can get your uncle to send you some dvds and watch them with the sound in Portugues and the subtitles in English. If your player is not region free see if there are any region 0 (all countries) movies or 1 and 4- depending on where you are, 1 is the US 4 is most of South America and some other places. You can also get software to crack the region code I'm not sure if that is legal or not.

    Another thing about Brazilians is they love to travel! So if you live in a populated place most likely there are Brazilians around. Look for a beach, a Brazilian music concert or a Brazilian restaurant or a soccer match you are sure to find some real live Brazilians wherever you live. Tell them you want to go to Brazil and i'm sure they will be glad to help you! Boa sorte (good luck!)

  3. Dont be concerned, Ive been twice to Brasil and it's a magical place! Just relax and let your uncle show you all teh wonders of Brazil. Read your guides (lonely planet is great) do your research in internet and just have a great time there. You wont regret it. I dont speak portuguese and i didnt have any trouble at all!

  4. Some sites to help you out. Good luck in Brazil.

  5. Depending on where you are going the issue of violence is of great concern. If you are going to be in a big city like Rio, Sao Paulo or Salvador, then NEVER go anywhere by yourself!!!!

    The best thing is to listen to what your uncle and family have to say. They will be able to tell you what is OK and what's not. And I cannot stress enough how important this is. BR is a beautiful country but one with immense social problems and a really high crime rate. Tourists are targetted because of the idea that all tourists are rich, which in comparison with most poor Brazilians is actually correct.

    For some reading on the culture, try wikipedia and your local library. Read travel guides like Lonely Planet for a well rounded preparation before you go. A great start on Brazilian literature is any book by Jorge Amado as his works have been translated and sold well all over the world. You won't have any trouble finding them. Some great movies are "House of Sand", "Dona Flor and her 2 husbands", "Bye-bye Brazil", "Bus 174", "Central Station".

    The food is excelent, have fun trying out all the different dishes and fruit! Have fun during your trip but remember to stay safe. A bad experience can really ruin a trip, not to mention could jeopardize your life.

  6. unfortunetly you will have to learn at least a little bit of portuguese. Everyone speaks the langauge very fast so listen very carefully and be prepared to see men in thongs (old men).

  7. The best "quickie" way to pick up some Portuguese before you go is the Pimsleur method, on CD's.  

    No reading, no writing, no grammer, you just listen and repeat (like a child would learn!).  I got mine at Costco and it was cheap $30 for 12 lessons.  It'll get you started before you go and when you're there you can learn from your immersion there!:)

    PS  It was the fastest way i have ever gotten a jump start on a language, and Portuguese seemed soooo difficult, but thee CD's really made it seem possible to learn pretty quickly!

  8. i am moving there on july 11th and it is wonderfull. brazilians are kind warm harted and caring people. you can e-mail me for some basic words you need to know. i am sure you will love it

  9. The best book is How to be a Carioca (carioca means people from Rio de Janeiro). Talks about the culture wiht a lot of humor.

    Like most big cities, buy a map so you can get directions to not go to bad places, but you can notice when you are in one, dont go out and show a lot of money or your passport, pay attention to your camera when little hobos are around. Ask in the hotel how much things will cost to not get ripped off, expecially by taxi drivers and vendors on the beach. Dont change all your money in the airport because the pay less. Mark on the map where is your hotel, a drugstore, a supermaket, the airport, police station and so on.

    Dont forget to go to nearby cities such as Búzios.

  10. you will love it !  ... its like paradise..

    boa sorte

  11. Try the Rosetta Stone: , it's pricey but will get you speaking by the time you're done. Remember, Brazilians love when foreigners try to speak Portuguese, even when they butcher the language, so don't feel shy about using it!

    General tips on Brazilian culture:

    Treat the elderly with respect




    Eat, eat, eat....

    You'll love it!

  12. We speak Portuguese very fast! We think you speak English very fast lol. Be kind/friendly, try learn about our culture... Well we think funny when Americans try speak Portuguese. Funny in a good way I mean.    

    You can learn a little of Portuguese on BBC's site. However it is with accent from Portugal. Could be a Little different but we'll understand.
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