
Traveling with my pet cat?

by  |  earlier

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do i need an international health certificate for my cat to go to mexico?I already took him to the vet to get his vaccines but they told me since i was leaving the country that i might need one?




  1. I would say, be sure to take all the cats latest Vet. records along, most likely they won't even check or ask if you travel by car, and if asked say he will be kept caged.

  2. maibe and im from mexoco but iseen those guys that work in the border and they almost never check what you have if you are in a car but if you go in bus wich is cheaper they do check you

  3. You need -  Health certificate , another letter within 10 days of flight from Vet saying cat is healthy to fly - Must be within 10 days of flight. The cat will be needing a micro chip for most airlines . It an airline rule not Mexico.

    It getting hot and some airlines will not fly pets in hot weather - Check !

    The cat hes to be current on all shots. Immigration Will check !

    Go to Delta and Continentals web sites as they have the best info for pet travel.  If you have questions and need a person call Continental , Deltas people are hard to get a hold of . Airline rules dont vary that much beteewn carriers, they are pretty standard beteen all.

    Even if the cat is going on the plane in a cage below your seat , you will still have to clear customs and immigration and its a pain...................You probably will have about $200 in some crappy fees they charge. Check and make sure the special pet/animal customs officers will be on duty at the time you land. Chance are past 5 pm they will be off work and closed and your screwed.

    This is not an ease task. Homework...............Do your homework.

    Link over to me and give me your e mail if you need and more help.

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