
Travelling with an anxiety disorder?

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I am 24 and I have an anxiety disorder. One of my problems is that I think of something and then over-analyse it until I get so worked up inside that I start feeling sick and shaky. This quite often puts me off of doing things. In October I plan to visit my boyfriend in the US but have only ever lived in the UK and travelled to western Europe. I have been on a plane before (for 2 hours to Belgium!) and stayed away from home for over a week, but would just like to hear from people who have similar irrational fears about travelling. What can you recommend to keep me from dwelling on these things?




  1. Cast your cares upon God for he cares for you.  Pray and he will help you.

  2. remember to stay happy and calm coz your going to see your bf

  3. I have generalised anxiety disorder and I really struggled when i planned my trip away last summer.

    I went to Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand for two months, and in the time leading up to my travel i would get so worked up and anxious that sometimes i thought about cancelling it altogether!

    What helped me was to pinpoint exactly what i was afraid of. Being significantly less developed countries than my own, i was afriad of falling sick or being badly hurt, and then not being able to access adequade healthcare or dying because i was too far from a hospital. I was also really afraid of violent crime.

    I then made myself a plan to deal with these fears. With the health concerns, i did everything i could whilst i was at home to help - taking vaccinations (even though i hate needles!) making a really well prepared first aid kit to have with me, reading up on how to avoid foodborne illnesses and taking anti-malaria pills. i also did research on the medical centres in each location i was visiting. This REALLY helped to lower my stress....

    As you're visitng a 1st world country pretty similar to your own country, you probably have different fears... is it about the plane flight? or getting lost when you are there? or crime/losing your things?

    Make a plan for each of the things you are worried about. (like... things/activites you will do on the plane, listening to the safety announcements carefully, etc.... always having a map with you, or always having enough money for a taxi fare home if you are lost....) This will REALLY help you!!

    You can't always plan for eveything though, and in thaT case you just need to stay calm and be positive. If something bad or upsetting happens on your trip tell yourself firmly "this is stressful/dangerous/unexpected/upsetting but i am strong and i can cope with it"

    good luck!

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